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Nobody's POV
July 25
12:36 PM

"Toni, Janet! A package came for you guys." Trina announced as she opened the door, collecting the package. Toni headed downstairs and into the dining room where her sister was at.

"Oh, I think it's Paris' magazines that we ordered. You guys can take one each home." Soon Skai and Janet arrived in the dining room. Toni opened the box and saw Paris' magazine.

"Mommy i-is that Paris' book a-again?"

"Yes, and it's called a magazine."

"Woah, how many did you guys order?" Trina asked.

"About fifty." Janet said nonchalantly and Trina laughed.

"She looks so pretty." Towanda said in awe.

"Yeah, she does. I like how she doesn't cover up her skin, it's beautiful." Tamar added.

"My skin is none of your business

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"My skin is none of your business. I know that's right girl." Janet said reading the cover of the magazine. Skai grabbed a magazine and opened it. She immediately saw her name and got excited.

"Momma that's my name." She said tapping Janet. Janet looked at the magazine and saw her daughter's name.

"Paris did mention your name. The question is who is your favorite person? She answered, other than my parents, my grandmother, brothers, aunts, and uncles, my favorite person would have to be Skai. She's Janet and Toni's foster daughter and she's so sweet. She's like a little sister to me." Janet read from the book. She smiled and looked at her daughter.

"That's me momma." 

"Yes, it is you baby. She said you're her favorite person."

"I tell P-Paris she my favorite person too!" The house phone rang and Toni got up to answer it.

"Hello?" She said putting the phone to her ear.

"Good afternoon, am I speaking to a Janet or a Toni Jackson?"

"Yes, this is Toni."

"Hi Toni, I'm your lawyer, Casey Novak for your daughters' case."

"Oh yes."

"I just called to inform you guys that the court has decided on a date. I want to tell you guys a little bit more about what goes on in family court. How does today look?"

"Umm, today is fine. What time?"

"Okay, and around two. Does that sound good?"

"Yes, it does."

"Alright then, we can meet up at Red's cafe. I'll see you two there."

"You too." Toni said and hung up the phone.

"Who was that baby?"

"Our lawyer, Casey. She wants to meet up with us later."

"Ohh okay."

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