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Toni's POV
July 15

"Mommy." Skai said as she ran towards me. I picked her up and she wrapped her arms around me.

"Hi, baby and what did I tell you about running in the house?"

"Uhh not to."

"Okay then so you have to listen or else you can get hurt."

"Okay, I'll listen mommy." I nodded my head and sat her on the counter. I heard my sisters come downstairs and I turned around to greet them.

"Good morning guys."

"Good morning." Skai waved at them and they waved back.

"Are you guys ready to sing today?"

"Yeah. We're planning to have twelve songs on the album and the song with you will be a single." Trina said as I made Skai a bowl of cereal. I helped her down from the counter and she took a seat at the table.

"Thank you, mommy." She said as I placed the bowl in front of her.

"You're welcome, baby. How much will I be singing?"

"Only the intro. If you want to sing more, I can change it up."

"No that's fine. It's your guys' album."

"Okay, Auntie Max and Teri are coming over to watch us sing."

"Mmkay. How is school guys?"

"Good, I'm just ready to graduate and go to college. I'm so tired of high school." Tamar said and Trina agreed.

"It's way too much drama and it's childish." Trina nodded. Towanda is going to begin college this fall. She's staying in Baltimore and going to Bowie State University.

"I remember when I was in high school. Wanda, you have everything ready for college?"

"Yes, I am. I'm just a little bit nervous, I've never been so close but so far from home." She said and I laughed.

"I understand but everything will be fine. You'll meet so many friends that you'll forget about us." I joked and we laughed.


My sisters are in the basement studio, trying to find the right beat for their songs while I'm in the kitchen with my aunts. We're just catching up on life.

"So how's married life?"

"It's amazing. Of course, we have our ups and downs but we made a vow to never go to bed angry at each other."

"Aww, that's so cute."

"Alors vous vous en voulez les uns les autres?" Aunt Max asked me and I gasped. No way... They speak French because my grandmother taught it to them. And me also.

(So you guys be putting it down on each other?)

"What— no!" I lied.

"Mmm, J'ai écouté vos chansons, donc je suis au courant."

(I've listened to you guys' songs so I know about it.)

"Nooo." I shook my head and laughed harder. I'm not speaking to my aunts about my sex life...

"She's not going to give up Max and you know this." Aunt Teri said and I laughed.

"Okay, let me put it this way... elle sait comment plaire à mon corps à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur..." I said and we laughed.

(she knows how to please my body inside and out)

"Ouuu, I know that's right. How long?" I blushed...

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