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Janet's POV

Tyler called me yesterday and said that we have to start filming again for Why Did I Get Married Too? Our filming location will be in the Bahamas so I'll be gone for a while. I already told him that I have to be back in the States for Skai's birthday and he understands that. I just haven't told Toni and Skai that I have to leave. I actually have to leave in less than a week and I know they're going to be upset.

"Baby?" I called out for Toni while rubbing her stomach. She looked at me and smiled.

"Yes, momma?" Skai answered and Toni playfully rolled her eyes.

"She wasn't talking to you."

"Yes, she was." I laughed.

"I actually need to speak to both of you guys." Skai got up from the floor and sat on my lap.

"I have to go to the Bahamas to film the movie." I said and saw Toni frown.

"The movie with Madea?"

"Yeah, it's a part two. I'll be back before your birthday."

"Okay, that's a lot of days though." Skai said looking at her hands and I smiled.

"Yeah, but I'll be back in no time." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Toni wipe her tears. She then got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen.

"One second baby." I told Skai and set her on the floor. I went inside the kitchen and saw Toni leaning against the counter.

"Baby, I don't want you to go." Toni said when she saw me walk into the kitchen. I nodded my head and grabbed her hands, I rubbed my thumbs on the back of them, soothing her.

"I know that baby and I don't want to go either. I haven't really been filming since after we got Skai and now it's crunch time." I explained and she nodded.

"Yeah, I understand. I'm just going to miss you." I smiled.

"That's what you're crying?"

"I'm crying?" It's probably her hormones. I nodded and she laughed.

"I didn't know I was crying." I hugged her and she squeezed me tight. I rubbed her back and kissed her forehead.

"I'll be back in no time."

Paris' POV

After my aunt left to go to the Bahamas, Skai came over to spend the week with us. Tamar didn't want to stay because she said that she didn't have time to have a heart attack. She still fangirls around us and that's understandable.

"Auntie do the voice!" Skai begged her and she laughed. My mother does a good impression of Luther Vandross and Skai loves it.

"What voice?"

"The oooo."

"You just did it, baby."

"No, you do it better."

"Okay..." My mother did the impression for her and she cheered.

"Now, who can you do Skai?"

"I can do momma. I'm Janet Jackson and nothing goes until I say go."

"Okay, Janet." My dad said and then laughed.

Janet's POV

Toni drove me to the airport while Tamar stayed at home. I was supposed to be inside about an hour ago but Toni has me in the backseat. She made me go back there with her just so she could give me a goodbye fuck before I go. Her fingers penetrated my walls as her lips sucked on my neck. I wrapped my arms around her body, pulling her closer. I loudly moaned as her fingers dug deeper into me.

"Fuck Toni!" I heard her chuckle and I closed my eyes. Toni pulled away from my neck and I slowly let her go. I felt her eyes on me as her fingers pleased me. Her other hand opened my legs wider and I gasped, throwing my head back against the seat.

"Let me hear you beautiful." She taunted. I shook my head and bit down on my bottom lip. I felt her thumb rubbing my clit in slow circles and my hips bucked. Toni rubbed me faster and I released my bottom lip, letting my moans fly out.

"Let me see those pretty eyes beautiful." I looked down and opened my eyes, seeing her staring right back at me. She smirked and plunged her fingers faster. My hand found her wrist and I gripped it tight. I need to be able to walk when we're finished, but I know that's not going to happen.

"Janet move." I heard her say and I shook my head.

"Baby pleaseee!" I begged needing to cum and for her to slow down. She bit down on her bottom lip and never slowed down. I gasped as her fingers repeatedly attacked my spot. I looked down and saw my juices leaking down her palm. My walls occasionally squeezed around her fingers as she kept eye contact with me.

"Baby-shit! I'm cu-fuck! Fuck!" Before I could even finish my sentence I began squirting all on her hand and the leather seats. Toni never stopped fingering me causing me to squirt some more. I threw my head back and squeezed her wrist tighter. I panted as I tried to come down from my high. I don't know what number I'm on because I lost count after the fifth time.

Toni slipped her fingers out of me and I shuddered. I then heard her sucking on my fingers and I picked my head up looking at her. So nasty. Toni licked her lips and then pulled me into a kiss. I kissed her lips and felt her grip my neck. She slipped her tongue inside my mouth and I moaned, deepening our kiss. I felt her hands rub my thigh and I immediately pulled away, shaking my head.

"No, I'm already late." We got cleaned up and I got dressed. I just can't find my thong that I had on under my dress and Toni isn't helping.

"You don't need it anyway." She said and I laughed.

"Yes, I do." I smiled and she shook her head. After I while of looking for it, I gave up. My thong literally got up and walked away. Toni leaned against the car as I stood in front of her.

"I love you, baby."

"I love you too and I'll call you when I land." She nodded her head and I gave her a quick peck before heading to the terminal. My legs hurt so bad. I should've never gotten in the back seat with her. I heard Toni call my name and I turned around. She reached into her pocket and pulled out my thong. Toni twirled it around her finger and smirked. I laughed and shook my head.

She had it this whole time...


•Whitney imitating Luther?

•Skai intimating Janet?

•Toni and Janet's car sex?


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