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Toni's POV
Mykonos, Greece
May 16

We arrived in Greece late this morning and Skai was fast asleep. I put her down in one of the rooms close to ours and Janet and I went to sleep. I woke up a bit early to wake Skai up so we could make breakfast for Janet.

"Are, are we cooking for Janet?"

"Yup." She nodded her head and we began cooking for Janet. We made waffles, and eggs, and Skai helped me cut the fruits. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her sneak a strawberry into her mouth. I looked at her and she covered her mouth. I smiled and shook my head.

"Did you sneak a fruit baby?" I questioned and she nodded her head.

"It's g-good." I kissed her forehead and took the food outside. I plated the food on the table and walked back inside.

"Okay baby I'm going to go wake up Janet, I'll be back. Stay down here and watch tv." I told her and she nodded her head. I turned on the tv and left her down there. I headed upstairs into our room, to wake my wife up for her birthday. I laid in the bed next to her and began to kiss her cheek. I pulled the covers back, revealing her naked body. I kissed down Janet's stomach and she stirred in her sleep.

"Good morning baby." I heard her say and I looked at her.

"Good morning." I kissed her cheek and she sat up in bed.

"Happy birthday."

"Thank you honey."

(APRIL FOOLS— let's get to it for real.)

I stopped my movements for a few seconds then I continued. I got down to her legs and softly kissed them. I looked up at Janet seeing that she was still sleeping so I flattened my tongue on her clit. I licked it and then began to suck. Her hands moved and her breathing changed. She's waking up soon. I shoved my two fingers inside of her and saw Janet's eyes flutter open.

"Oh my god— baby!" She moaned and placed her hands on my shoulders. I continued to suck on her clit while my fingers pleased her. Janet pushed at my shoulders, trying to detach me from her. I moved her hands away and she clutched the sheets.

"Fuck!... Toni..." I slipped my fingers deeper inside Janet and her back arched. I smirked and continued sucking her. Janet clenched around my fingers and I lowly groaned. I moved my fingers faster and she let out loud moans. Her legs trembled as my fingers glistened with her juices.

"I'm c-cumming! Uhhh!" I kept my pace and soon my wife's creams coated my fingers. I licked her clit a few more times and her body shivered underneath me. Janet's hands found my face and she cupped it. She pulled me up and I passionately kissed her. My fingers were still inside of her, so I continued with my movements. Janet bit my bottom lip and she pulled me closer to her body. I broke the kiss and began leaving love marks on her neck.

"Happy birthday baby." I whispered in my wife's ear and felt her shiver. I opened her legs wider and Janet scratched at my back. I bit my bottom lip in pain and our eyes connected.

"I-I love you! So much!" Janet moaned and I smirked.

"I love you to baby." I pecked her cheek a few more times and she panted. Her head laid on my shoulder and she bit it. I hissed in pain but soon felt pleasure when she kissed it. Janet's creams coated me again and she let out moans.

She laid her head back on the pillow and I saw tears fall out of her eyes. I have that effect on her. Janet grabbed me by my face and kissed me again. I pulled my fingers out of her and stuck them in her mouth. So nasty... Janet sucked them dry and then I kissed her.


"Janet, are you okay? I heard you screaming earlier." Skai asked Janet and I tried not to laugh. Janet looked at me and I looked at her.

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