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Toni's POV

Skai has been with us for a week and a few days so we decided that it's time for us to get her room situated, you know because she can't always sleep with us or in the guest room. Right now we're in our room, discussing Skai's room and what it would look like.

"How do you want your room to look like baby?" I asked her as she sat on Janet's lap. I think Janet is her favorite out of us two...

Not jealous at all 🥲

'Um, a Ferris wheel.'

"A Ferris wheel?" Janet and I asked at the same time and she nodded her head.

'I draw it?'

"Sure." Janet grabbed some paper and a pencil while I opened my computer.

"Do you know what colors you want?" I asked her while opening a Home Depot tab.

'Pink, white, and gray.' I nodded my head and Janet and I looked at different shades of pink and gray while she drew how she wanted her room to look. A few minutes later she tapped my leg and I looked up at her.

'All done.' I grabbed the paper and looked at it. It's a pretty good drawing of a room done by a three-year-old. There's a Ferris wheel on the wall and in the seats were teddy bears. Then there's her closet that looks like an old roller coaster and under it had a seat and a table. On the other page is her bed which is very simple but there's another part. I guess that's her little den and there's a ladder. She probably wants another bed up there too. Imagination is wild...

"That's how you want your room baby?" Janet asked her and she nodded.

"Let's see, the Ferris wheel and the roller coaster closet might have to be made... we can get my brothers to help with that."

"Mmhmm, me, you, Whitney, and Paris can probably paint the room." I said to Janet and she nodded her head in agreement. Skai raised her hand and I chuckled.

"You want to help too?" She nodded her head and I smiled.

"Okay then." We continued looking for more ideas but she loves that idea and wasn't listening to us.


2 days later

As soon as we started discussing Skai's room, we began to move some of the stuff into our room. Like the lamps, mirrors, pictures, things like that. Earlier today we went to Home Depot and Skai pick out the paint she wanted. She also picked out the type of lights that she wanted in her room. That went kind of well...

Today was going to be our first public outing since fostering Skai. I already knew that the paparazzi were going to be asking us a bunch of questions. We're going to Home Depot to get paint for Skai's room and probably some lights too. Joey opened the car door for us and I picked up Skai, quickly throwing a blanket over her face. Janet got out of the car, followed by Paris and Whitney. As soon as I placed the blanket over her face, the flashes began along with the questions.

"Toni is that your daughter?!"

"Over here, Whitney!"

"Janet is that you guys' daughter?" I ignored their questions and calls. I heard the paparazzi collectively yelling Paris' name so I turn around and she's giving them a show. I mean posing and all.

"Girl come on." Whitney said grabbing her arm and pulling her inside the store. I chuckled and shook my head. I looked underneath the blanket at Skai.

"Are you okay baby?" I asked her and all she did was nod.

"Do you want me to put you down?" I was hoping she would say yes because I'm not holding her for the whole time that we are going to be in the store. She nodded her head and I put her down. I folded the blanket and handed it to Joey. She then grabbed mine and Janet's hands and we began shopping...

Right now Janet's brothers are moving the heavier things out of the room so that we can paint her new room. Like the heavy furniture and things out of Janet and I's reach. Skai is getting the room closer to ours just in case she gets scared in the middle of the night.

"Don't break anything now or else I'm suing y'all." Janet joked with her brothers and I laughed.

"Nobody is going to break anything dunk." Tito said and Janet rolled her eyes.

"Better not."


After Janet's brothers removed all of the furniture from the room, they then taped the parts of the walls that weren't supposed to be painted on so that it could be easier for us tomorrow. They left a while ago so it was just us in the house. I think Janet is bathing Skai so while she's doing that, I'm going to take a shower.

Once I came out of the shower, I saw Skai laying in the middle of our bed watching tv. I think once she gets her room it's going to be hard for her to sleep in it since she's always in our room. I turned off the bathroom light and made my way toward the bed. I got in the bed next to her and got underneath the covers.

"Are you excited about your room?" She nodded her head and I smiled.

"Where's Janet?"

'She's talking to Mama K.' Skai signed and I nodded my head. She snuggled into my side and I turned down the tv a bit. I don't know when Janet came into the room because I had fallen asleep.

 I don't know when Janet came into the room because I had fallen asleep

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•Is Skai going to like her room?

•The paparazzi?

Excuse any errors ✨

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