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Nobody's POV
Jackson's Residence
May 22

Paris and Toni were on the living room floor playing with Skai while Janet just watched, from the couch, with a million thoughts running through her head.

She didn't want her daughter to go back and live with her mom. She wanted her to stay, and so did Toni. That is still Skai's mother and she has the right to get her daughter, Janet didn't like that at all. She felt that if she wanted her daughter, she would have taken her in right after her grandmother passed. The doorbell ringing knocked Janet out of her thoughts.

"I'll get it." Janet got up from the couch and headed to the front door. Opening the door she saw Mrs. Jules.

"Good afternoon Janet."

"Good afternoon." Janet mumbled and moved to the side allowing Mrs. Jules to walk in. She closed the door and Mrs. Jules followed her into the living room where everyone else was at. Everest barked and growled at Mrs. Jules causing her to jump.

"Good doggie." Skai said petting her. She also didn't like Mrs. Jules, she felt like she was here to do something bad to her.

"No Skai that's not nice. Everest go outside." Toni said and opened the back door. Everest went out back and when Toni closed the door she sat by the door making growling noises at Mrs. Jules.

"Skai are you ready to go?" Mrs. Jules asked.

"Mmhmm, is Janet and Toni coming?" She asked standing up.

"Skai, we talked about this the other day remember? You're going to live with your mother and we can't come with you." Toni said and Skai frowned.

"Then I'm not going." She said folding her arms.

"Skai come here baby." Janet said taking a seat on the couch. Skai got on the couch and sat in Janet's lap.

"Baby, you have to go with Mrs. Jules to see your mother."

"But, but you and Toni are my mothers."

Janet sighed, "I know we are but you have to go back to your real mommy."

"No. I-I don't wanna go." She got down from Janet's lap and ran upstairs.

"Skai!" Toni called out for her.

"Don't worry auntie Toni, I'll go find her." Paris said and headed up the stairs to look for her cousin.

"Is there by any chance that we can keep in contact with Skai?"

"I'm sorry but Skai's mother doesn't want you guys to have no contact whatsoever with her."

"What?" They both said.

"That's bullshit."


"No it is bullshit. How you gonna place your child with your mom and when she passed away you didn't want to take her but when you find out that she is in a stable home you want her back? On top of that you don't want her to have any contact with her foster parents? She barley even knows you." Toni stayed silent. She knew were Janet was coming from, but at the end of the day, that woman is still Skai's mother. A few second later Paris came down the stairs.

"I found her but she won't come down."

"Where is she?"

"In the closet in y'all room." The two of them went upstairs while Paris and the social worker waited.

"Skai?" Toni called out and heard sniffling. She opened the door and saw Skai crying in the corner. They both sat on the floor next to her.

"Aww baby. Come here." Skai crawled in Toni's lap and laid her head on her chest.

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