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(Lemme just say... I'll suck the life outta them boobs... dead or alive 🏃🏾‍♀️💨)

Nobody's POV
December 15
Whitney and Michael's house

"Whitney I'm starting to think that you are lying."


"Toni getting a tattoo."

"How? I heard her screaming." Whitney said and Janet chuckled.

"We had sex the other day and I didn't see it."

"You wasn't looking hard enough. Were you even looking for the tattoo?" Whitney questioned.

"No... I was making sure that Toni-"

"Okay! That's enough!" They laughed.

"I promised you she got the tattoo."


"Oh, did I tell you that Paris almost caught us the other day. If only she had shown up five minutes late, she would've saw everything."

Janet laughed, "She texted me and told me. In her defense she texted y'all."

"In our defense, our phones were nowhere near us." They chuckled.

"What are you two giggling about?" Toni asked coming down the stairs. She sat on the couch next to Janet.

"Paris/your tattoo." They booth said and looked at each other.

"Hmm... what do you want to know Janet?"

"Me? That was Whitney."

"Now, don't be lying on me."

"Did you even get the tattoo?" Janet asked and Toni nodded.

"Yes I did and you will see it in ten days."

Janet rolled her eyes, "That is too far."

"No it's not." Toni said.

"No patience just like your brother." Whitney said.

"Hmm? What was said about me?" The three of them turned around.

"How long you been standing there?"

"Long enough." He said hanging his coat up and Janet shook her head.

"And for you information, I wasn't talking about you. I just mentioned your name."

Michael shook his head.

"What Paris be saying? Girl bye?"

They laughed.

"Yes that's what she be saying."

"Well then, girls bye." He said and then walked away.

"L joke." Janet said and they laughed.

"Be quiet Dunk!" Michael said from upstairs.


9:45 PM

Toni and Janet were back at home, in their bed, watching Waiting To Exhale. Janet laughed at the scene where Robin fake moaned Michael's name, loudly.

"Jan, how many times are you going to watch this movie and still laugh?"

She shrugged, "It's just funny to me." She giggled again making Toni shake her head.

Janet was being such a big baby. She was laying on Toni's stomach while she played with her ear. Toni knew that Janet was about to fall asleep from her playing with her ear.

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