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Nobody's POV
1:25 PM
November 28

"Everyone goes separate ways and meet at the food court at three." Janet said. Her, Toni, Whitney, Michael, Paris and her sisters were at the mall doing early Christmas shopping. They always go after thanksgiving because it's Black Friday sales but at the same time the mall doesn't have that much people.

"Remember to not buy anything for someone that is here." Rebbie pointed out and they agreed.

"Okay see you guys at three." Toni said and they went their separate ways.

Toni's POV

I was in Macy's getting Mama K a coffee maker. She's been saying she needs a new one but she doesn't even drink coffee that much. Also if I'm not mistaken, she already has one. I looked at the colors and it was silver, royal blue, red and black. I grabbed the royal blue one because Mama K's kitchen was all white but she has a blue kettle so maybe it will look good together. I checked the coffee maker off my list and went to shop some more.

Janet's POV
Pet Smart

I was in the pet store looking for a puppy to give to Toni. I know Rebbie said not to buy for someone that's already with us but I was just looking. I saw this black frenchie puppy and it was kind of ugly. I don't think Toni will want an ugly dog. While I was looking, I bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry." I looked up and it was Paris.

"What are you doing in here?"

"I'm about to buy myself a puppy for Christmas." I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Yeah right."

"It's actually for Stevanna and Gen. They want a hamster." I nodded my head.

"What are you doing in here?" She asked me.

"I'm just looking for a puppy for Toni. I think imma pick it up before Chrismas."

"Oh, you better not get that ugly ass black one." I chuckled and shook my head.

"No, I think I'm going to get a golden retriever for her."

"Oh those puppies are adorable."

Whitney's POV

I was at the jewelry store getting Michael a Rolex watch. Well, I'm not going to buy it today because I'm going to customize it. On the back of the watch it's going to have our wedding date. The time on the watch is going to be the time that we had our first kiss as husband and wife, so the clock never moves. I think that's so cute and he's going to love it. I think I'm going to get him a gold one, he loves gold.

Nobody's POV
3:15 PM
Food court

"I'm surprised to see black people on time." LaToya said and they laughed. They were at the food court sitting at a big table. Michael ordered two pies of pizza with a 2 liter soda and it will soon be arriving.

"Toni's not here..."

"She went to the bathroom." Paris said matter of factly.

"Oh well excuse me. What did you guys get?"

"I pre ordered the hamster for Stevanna and Gen and I got mama K a robe."

"Mother told me to get her a new iPad." Janet spoke.

"Mm it seems like mother will have the most gifts this year." Rebbie said.

"She told you to get her something too?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, I got her a set of pearls."

"Oh wow."

"Y'all talking about Mama K?" Toni asked as she came back to the table.

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