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Nobody's POV

Janet spent the night at the hospital with her wife and new daughter. She didn't want to leave their side. Desiree is a quiet baby and all she does is sleep, for now. Today some of the family members were going to come over to see the newest member of the Jackson Clan.

"Mommy momma!" Skai said excitedly.

"Shh baby. Your sister is sleeping."

"Oh sorry." She ran to Janet and climbed on her lap.

"Momma Auntie Whitney has a baby in her belly." As if on cue, Whitney walked into the room with Tamar behind her.

"Hey, guys."

"Hey... you did not have that the last time I saw you." Toni said in confusion.

"I know. Janet told me to bring you guys something to eat so I went to the dollar store, got a half circle, put the food inside, and put it under my clothes." Tamar walked over to her niece and watched her as she slept.

"Impressive. What did you get?"


"Yes." Toni exclaimed and Whitney chuckled. She removed the half circle from under her clothes and they began eating.

"She's so beautiful Toni." Tamar said and Toni thanked her sister.

"So how did the delivery go?"

Toni shook her head, "I barely remember it. When we left the house I was bleeding a lot so I must've passed out. Janet explained to me that I had a c-section and after the c-section, I had to get a hysterectomy because that was the only way to stop the bleeding."

Whitney gasped, "Oh no."

"Yup, but Janet said that she'll give me a whole theatre of kids."

"Okay, but I'm not babysitting all." They laughed.

"Me either." Tamar added.

"Mommy, what did you name my sister?" Skai asked eating one of Janet's fries since she ate her food in the car.

"Her name is Desiree."

"Can I see her?"

"Yup." Janet guided Skai to the bassinet to see her baby sister.

"Momma we need to get her in the sun so she can be black like us."

"Oh." Toni said covering her mouth and Whitney started laughing.

"That's how babies look when they are born. She will get darker soon."

"Mmhmm, she's waking up can I hold her?"

"Sure go sit by Mommy but be careful she's a little sore." Skai nodded and Whitney carefully helped her sit by Toni. Janet picked up Desiree and gently laid her on Skai. She kissed Desiree's forehead and she smiled. Toni teared up at their interaction.

"Aww, that's so cute." Whitney said gushing over the sibling interacting while taking pictures.

"She looks like momma." Skai said admiring her sister's features.

"I know that's momma's twin." Toni said agreeing with her daughter's statement. Desiree started crying and Skai gently pushed her towards Toni because she was scared.

"You want me to take her now?" Toni asked slightly chuckling.

"Yeah." Toni took Desiree away from Skai and started breastfeeding her.

"Mommy, why is she eating your boobies?" She asked confused.

"I'm feeding her." Toni told her.

"I don't think she wants that. I think she wants a fry."

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