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Nobody's POV
Mykonos, Greece
May 18

Toni, Janet and Skai are in the room eating a Greek movie called 'Eternity and a day'. The movie consisted of a of few English subtitles but it was good overall. Janet phone rings and she answers it seeing that Mrs. Jules is calling.


"Janet, is this a good time to call?"

"Umm yeah."

"Okay good. I have some news about Skai and I would like to talk to you guys about it. Does tomorrow seem like a good time to meet up?"

"Oh okay and umm we're actually on vacation. You see my birthday is today and Toni took me someplace, but we will be back by Saturday. Does that day work out?"

"Perfect. My schedule on Saturday is pretty flexible so it's perfect. We can meet up at Jane's diner at around three. Is that cool?"

"Yeah. See you then."

"You too." Janet hung up the phone and sighed. She hopes that Mrs. Jules has good news, great news to tell them. Toni soon came downstairs with Skai trailing behind her.

"Who were you talking to?"

"Mrs. Jules. She says that she has some news for us and wants to meet up on Saturday at Jane's diner."

"Ohh okay. I hope it's something that we want to hear."

"Me too."

Jane's Diner
May 20

The couple got there a few minutes before Mrs. Jules but she eventually arrived. She sat down and began to take out Skai's file.

"So I wanted to meet with you guys because I have some news about Skai." Mrs. Jules said and Toni grabbed her wife's hand under the table.

"You guys have mentioned to me that you want to adopt Skai. It is my job to do a background check on Skai making sure that she doesn't have any living relatives and if they are living, they don't want to take her in. Well, that's what I was hoping for but my hope was really high." Toni rose her brow and bit down on her bottom lip. Janet squeezed her hand and spoke.

"What are you saying?"

"I found her mother and she would like to have her back... in her care."

"What? No!" Janet yelled and people started to look at her.

"I saw her mother last week and she is doing well. Meeting all of the requirements and we will have to have Skai living with her."

"We have to give her back?" Toni questioned and Mrs. Jules nodded her head.

"I'm afraid so..."

"No, we won't give her back. Her mother didn't even want her in the first place and if she did, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. She has been with us longer than she has been with her mother. And you want us to give her back? Hell no." Janet ranted and Toni squeezed her hand again.

"Baby... can we meet her mother?"

"I'm sorry we can't do that."

"Why not? I want to make sure that Skai is safe in this new environment. Isn't that the job you gave us as foster parents? Can we do our job?" Toni asked. Now she was beginning to get upset just like her wife.

"It's the state's job now and you two can't get involved. At this moment in time, it's about a mother and daughter having a bond."

Janet chuckled, "Having a bond... having a bond, Skai doesn't even know who her mother is. She only knows us and you want to take that away from her? Don't you think that that will be hurting Skai in some way?" Toni nodded her head.

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