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Nobody's POV
August 28

"Janet, the day that Skai went to the doctor with the bruise on her arm, what exactly happened?"

"Well, I got distracted by something that was happening across the street and I wasn't paying attention. We had the right light and Skai walked across the street. When I turned my head I saw a car coming full speed at her so I grabbed her and quickly moved her out of the way."

"Any idea what happened to the driver of the car?"

"No, and I honestly didn't care. I was just making sure that Skai was okay."

"We have the security camera footage which will show exactly what took place that day." Ms. Novak said and began to okay the footage. It showed exactly what Janet said happened that day.


"Ms. Syed, were you happy when your daughter came back home to you?" Mr. Hall questioned his client.

"Yes, I was very happy to have my daughter back. I missed her very much."

"What did you guys do that day?"

"I took her to dinner then we went to go and get ice cream. After that, we went home and she immediately went to sleep." Mr. Hall sat down and it was Casey's turn to question Ms. Syed.

"Skai told Toni and Janet that she didn't eat... so are you lying under oath or was Skai lying?"

"Oh, um she probably doesn't remember her eating..." Ms. Syed lied and Casey nodded her head.

"If you were really happy that Skai came back to your care why did you give her to your mother, who wasn't physically stable to take care of a child?"

"I didn't know how to take care of a baby. I was seventeen when I had her, a baby myself."

"Or were you too busy getting thrown in jail on drug charges?" Ms. Novak said and five different pictures of Ms. Syed showed up on the screen.

"These were all after Skai was born, in fact, the first one is a week after she was born. What were you doing outside after your daughter was born, Ms. Syed? Weren't you supposed to be at home resting?" Ms. Syed stayed silent.

"Get her ass, Casey." Whitney mumbled. Ms. Syed looked at the jury before looking at her lawyer. She was too stunned to speak.

"Answer the question, Ms. Syed." The judge said.

"I- I was selling drugs to make money to buy formula."

"Oh okay. Fast forward to when you got Skai back. If you were clean when you got her back, what were you doing with a bag of cocaine in your house when Skai was present?"

"It wasn't my drugs."

"Are you sure because when CSU dusted it for prints, your prints came up and so did your drug dealer's prints. So again, why did you have cocaine in your house?"

"I-I don't know." She stuttered.

"What if Skai would have gotten in the drugs? She could have overdosed and most likely died. What would have happened then? Oh I know, you would've gone to jail for killing a child. Do you want to spend the rest of your life in jail?"

"Objection your honor. Ms. Novak is badgering my client."

"Ms. Novak."

"Sorry your honor, Ms. Syed what were you doing the day that Toni and Janet came to your house?"


"Ms. Syed answer the question, please. We don't have all day." The judge said.

"I was out."

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