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Nobody's POV

Michael's funeral is in two days and nobody has gotten over his death. None of his fans, none of his family, no one. It got to the point where the fans would leave notes and flowers in front of his house. They would sing his songs and cry remembering him. His Hollywood star is filled with flowers and gifts that the other celebrity stars are covered up.

As for Whitney, she misses her husband so much. He was her lover, the father of their three children, her soulmate her everything. She doesn't know how she can go on without him in her life. If it wasn't for Janet, the two of them wouldn't be together.

"Thank you, Janet." Whitney told her over the phone.

"What are you thanking me for Whit?"

"For making Michael give me a chance. If it weren't for you I wouldn't know what true love means and what it feels like to lose part of you. I miss Mikey so much. I can't go on without him." Whitney finished and Janet rose her brow.

"You're welcome but Nippy what are you saying?" Janet asked and the line went dead. She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. She knew what Whitney was going to do and she had to stop her. Janet quickly put on her clothes and drove over to Nippy's house.

Janet's POV

"Nippy?!" I called out once I got to her house. I looked around the house and it was so messy. There were dirty dishes in the sink and garbage all over the place. I placed my purse on the couch and rushed upstairs to her room. When I got to her room she was sprawled out on the bed with an empty pill bottle in her hand.

"Fuck Nippy." I got in the bed and tried to wake her. I gently shook her but she didn't budge.

"Nippy, wake up. Don't do this to me." I lightly slapped her face and she didn't move. I got out the bed and dragged her body to the bathroom. I laid her in her shower and ran cold water on her.

"Whitney wake up!" I yelled kneeling next to her, my clothes getting wet. I shook her and she slowly opened her eyes. I sucked in a deep breath.

"Jan?" She said drowsily, slowly opening and closing her eyes. I held her arms as her head hung back.

"Yes, it's me. Wake up." Whitney opened her mouth to speak but vomit just came out. I jumped back but some still ended up getting on me. I gently rubbed her back.

"It's okay. Let it out." She wiped her mouth and looked up at me.

"I'm sorry Janet. I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She cried and I nodded my head. I continued to rub her back as she threw up. I winced and looked away. I can tell that she is taking his death pretty hard and she wants to be with him but it's not her time yet. I sighed and spoke,

"You don't have to apologize, it's okay. I know that you are hurting. Go clean yourself up and I'll pick out some clothes for you."

"Thank you." I nodded my head and left out the bathroom for her to go shower. I headed downstairs to clean up a bit. While I was cleaning, Toni called me. I declined it because I just couldn't speak right now. I'm still in shock at what happened a while ago. I was wiping down the counter when I heard Whitney coming down the stairs. I turned around and looked at her. She got so skinny within two days and she just didn't look like herself.


"Janet please, not right now." I rose my brow and looked at her.

"What do you mean not right now? If I didn't come in time you would've died. Your children couldn't manage losing two parents within the same week. You didn't want to die because if you did you wouldn't have called me..."

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