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Toni's POV
June 25
1:00 PM

Skai has been cranky all morning and I don't know what has gotten into her. She had a full night's rest so I have no idea what's happening. Tamar is calming her down now because she won't listen to me. I leaned against the counter as I cut up some fruits for my fruit bowl. My phone rang and I looked at it seeing that it was Whitney. I wiped my hands on a napkin and answered.

"Hey, Nippy. How are you doing?"

"T-Toni..." I heard her cry. I never heard her cry so much before so I was extremely concerned.

"Yes? Are you alright?"

"It's Mike."

"What's wrong with him? Nippy talk to me sweetheart."

"H-he's in a c-coma." She said before breaking down. I took a seat on the couch because my heart was beating so fast.

"What? What happened?"

"He can't sleep properly at night s-so the doctor had to give him some medicine. H-he accidentally gave Mikey too much a-and he didn't wake up. I-I called the a-ambulance and he went to the hospital and h-he's in a coma." Oh my goodness. My baby kicked in my stomach and I rubbed my stomach in slow circles. I hope he's okay...

Whitney's POV
12:15 (Before calling Toni)

"Mommy! Mommy!" I heard Paris scream my name and I immediately got up, rushing to her. She sounded scared and worried. I headed up the stairs and saw her coming out of our room. Her face was red and she was crying.

"Baby? What's the matter?"

"Mommy come!" I walked into our room and saw Michael laying on the bed. The doctors were doing CPR on him.

"What happened?"

"I don't- I don't know." Paris said and then sniffled.

"Stop! You're not doing it right." The doctor helped me lay Michael on the floor. I got on top of him doing proper CPR.

"Baby, wake up. Conrad, what happened?" I asked him and he looked at me.

"I think I gave him too much propofol to help him sleep."

"I was talking to Daddy and then he just stopped talking. I-I thought he went to sleep but when I went to kiss him he wasn't breathing. That's when I called you mommy." I heard the ambulance outside along with a helicopter. I never stopped doing CPR on him. The doctors had to pull me off.

I just want my baby to be okay...

Janet's POV

We were filming the scene in Why Did I get married too in the airport. I felt the mood in the room change. Like the energy just drained out. It was weird.

"You guys felt that?" Tasha asked us and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, it felt weird." I said and my phone rang. I looked at it and it was Toni calling.

"Hello, baby. I'm working." I said as I smiled.

"Janet, you need to come back home now." She demanded and I heard her sniffle.

"What why?"

"Janet just come down, please. It's important." She said then hung up. I could tell it was something that she wasn't telling me. Is Toni in labor? If she was in labor she would've told me...

"Janet?" Tyler called out for me and I looked at him. I got up from my seat and walked over to where he was standing.


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