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Nobody's POV
July 8

It's been about a week since Michael's passing and the world still haven't gotten over it. I mean, why should they? The king of pop, one the greatest men on earth has left this earth. Janet is slowly getting over her brother's passing but it's extremely hard for her. Her brother was her best friend. Even though he was annoying she still loved him.

Toni is due any day now, so for the last few days, the couple has been preparing for their daughter to come. It's the only thing that Janet can do to keep her brother off of her mind. Earlier today, Whitney came over to check up on them and take Skai to her house. She needed the extra company. Tamar is still here with them because she wanted to stay with her sister. Toni has been having back pains all day but she brushed it off as her body being tired of being pregnant. But Janet thought that it was something else... early labor.

"I think you are having minor contractions." Janet said as they sat on the couch watching House M.D

"I don't think so, I would've been screaming especially since I have a low pain tolerance."

"How about you listen to your wife?" Tamar said and Toni laughed.

"Right right." Janet chuckled and looked at her wife.

"I'm going to use the bathroom because your daughter thinks that my bladder is a trampoline." Janet nodded and Toni got up. Before she could get far, she crouched over in pain. Toni grabbed the wall and Janet immediately got up and tended to her wife's care. In a heartbeat, Toni's water broke and she yelled.

"Oh my..." Tamar trailed off seeing the fluids from her sister's body leak onto the floor.

"Oh my gosh." Janet said.

"It hurts so bad." Toni said beginning to feel the pain.

"I know baby, just try to breathe. It will be okay." Janet grabbed Toni's hand and they slowly walked towards the front door.

"Now these are contractions— fuckkk!" Toni yelled again this time feeling more fluid trickle down her legs.

"Holy shit." Janet whispered seeing blood on the floor.

"Janet..." Toni whimpered as her eyes watered.

"Toni— we need to go now." Tamar said beginning to get scared. She doesn't like blood at all.

"It's okay baby. We're gonna go to the hospital and everything is gonna be fine." Janet helped her wife in the car and they soon drove off to the hospital. She grabbed her phone and called Doctor Jackie.


"Jackie she's bleeding."

"What? Who's bleeding?"

"Toni— her water broke and then she started bleeding."

"My goodness. How far are you guys?"

"About two minutes— it's like every time she has a contraction more blood comes out." Toni yelled again and this time she grabbed Janet's hand.

"Possibly a subchorionic hematoma." Jackie mumbled to herself.

"Jan..." Toni said faintly as her eyes slowly opened and closed.

"Babe, keep your eyes open. Tamar talk to her... Jackie, she's closing her eyes." Janet said trying to stay calm. This is a very scary moment for her. Tamar talked to her sister, trying to keep her awake.

"Try to keep her awake. She's losing a lot of blood. Where are you now?"

"I'm pulling up now." The phone cut off and Janet got out of the car. Jackie rushed to their car with a gurney and nurses trailing behind her.

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