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Nobody's POV
May 29
5:28 PM

Janet is in the kitchen making dinner while Toni and Skai played in the living room together. It's been a few days since the incident happened and Skai is doing well, except for the nightmares that she has been having. Toni and Janet are thinking about putting her in therapy but she will also have to go to speech therapy at the same time. Those two at the same time might be too much for Skai to handle.


"Yes, baby?" Skai got up from the floor and sat in Toni's lap. She played with Toni's hair and smiled.

"D-do you have any parents l-like momma?"

"Yes I do but they are very mean."

"Like m-my other mommy?"

"No, they hurt me with their words. They said mean things to me." Toni said and Skai nodded.

"Oh, w-well when I see them I beat them up." She said proudly and Toni laughed. The phone rang and Janet answered it from the kitchen.

"Baby it's Tamar." Toni got up and answered the phone, hearing Tamar's voice on the other line.

"Hi, Toni."

"Hi, Tay, what's up?"

"Nothing really. I just want to say that I'm sorry for what happened to Skai and that woman deserves to rot in hell." Toni was confused. She didn't tell Tamar what happened to Skai so how would she know?

"Thank you and how do you know?"

"It was on the news saying that Michael touched a girl. And then they showed a picture of the girl and it was Skai, so then I put two and two together. I remembered that you guys wanted to adopt Skai but then I said that her mother or family might want her back. So that's what I figured happened."

"Yeah that's what happened. Her mother wanted her back in her care and abused her."

"Damn, I'm sorry that happened."

"Me too."

"Oh, I was talking to the girls about it and I guess Evelyn heard it so she goes on to say things like how you and Janet are bad parents and how you guys can't take care of a child, all sorts of things. So I basically told her that Toni is doing a better job than she is. She whooped my tail but I don't care because she's only talking about you like that because you aren't here to stick up for yourself." Toni sighed as she heard her sister speak. She couldn't believe that Evelyn would say such things, but then again Evelyn disowned Toni.

"Tamar do not listen to her because that is not true, at all. I'm living my best life without her and that's why she's mad. Her old ass needs to be worried about if she gonna see tomorrow." Toni said and Tamar laughed.

"Ouu girl you ate her up." The two of them laughed.

"So how's Skai?"

"She's okay. Just having nightmares but other than that she's fine. Oh, the other day she called us mommy and momma."

"Oh my gosh! For real?" Tamar asked excited for her sister and sister in law. She knew how badly they wanted to become parents.

"Yes, I'm mommy and Janet is momma."

"I'm happy for you guys. Oh, mom said that we can come down for the summer and stay with you guys. Is that alright with you?"

"Of course, you guys are my sisters."

"Okay, and two other people are coming..."

"Now Tamar, are they y'all friends?"

"No, it's family."

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