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Tamar's POV
Severn, Maryland
November 15
8:45 AM

I was woken up out of my sleep when I felt someone rubbing my thigh. I thought it was my mother trying to wake me up for church but it didn't feel like her hand. I opened my eyes and jumped back when I noticed my mother's boyfriend sitting on my bed. He had one of his hands in his pants and the other one, which was on my thigh, now on the bed. He's so FUCKING sick! What the fuck man?!

"Get out! Get the fuck out!!" I screamed and he rushed out of my room. I got out of bed and locked the door when he left. I told my mother that he was weird but she didn't want to listen to me. I don't even know where she's at right now. I felt tears streaming down my face and I wiped them. If I hadn't woken up I probably would've been raped. I hate it here.

This is not the first time that he has tried to do something like this to me. The other day he asked me to get something out of his trunk since he couldn't get it because his back is bad. So I bent over to get it and I felt him behind me. I jumped back and ran inside the house. I told my mom and she didn't believe me. Fucking bitch! I should've called Toni then and asked for her to come and get me. I'm going to call her right now because I'm not staying here anymore. I called her phone and she answered on the second ring.

"Hello Tay." Toni said and I couldn't help but cry harder. I miss her so much.

"Tay, what's wrong?" I couldn't answer her, I just kept crying.

Toni's POV

"Okay Tay, stop crying so you can tell me what's wrong." She called me a few minutes ago and hadn't stopped crying since. I had the phone on speaker so Janet was hearing everything.

"Is she okay?" Janet asked me and I shrugged.

"I don't know she keeps crying." I said and Janet sat on the couch next to me, rubbing my stomach. Ever since I found out that I was pregnant she never stopped rubbing my stomach, but I'm not complaining. I heard Tamar's cries start to settle so I spoke.

"Tamar, calm down and tell me what happened." I said and I knew she was about to start crying again.

"Moms b-boyfriend! He- he touched me on my leg- my thigh- he was rubbing it! He had his hands in his pants! I just-I just wanna leave!" She yelled sobbing and my heart dropped. Janet stopped rubbing my stomach and a look of concern washed over her.

"He what?!" Janet and I both exclaimed at the same time.

"Yes! He had his hands in his pants. I was sleeping and I felt him touching me, s-so I woke up and, and, I saw him! Toni, and Janet, please just come and get me! I don't wanna stay here any fucking more! Please!" Tamar begged and I nodded. I didn't even care that she was cursing. I know she's upset, traumatized, and scared.

"Okay, Tay. We probably won't be there until later. Did you tell your mom?"

"No, because this is not the first time this happened." Not the first time?!

"Not the first time? What?" Janet asked in disbelief. I can't believe it either.

"The other day h-he told me he needed help getting something out of his trunk and when I-I bent over I felt him behind me. I ran inside and told her and she didn't believe me. She thinks that it's an accident- but it wasn't!" Evelyn is a bitch. Putting a man before her own daughter.

"Okay, Tamar just distance yourself until we get there. Are they still there?"

"No, they went to church. He should burn in the chapel!" Tamar yelled and we chuckled.

"Alright, we don't know what time we're going to be there so get some snacks and keep them in your room. Start packing your things too." Janet told Tamar.

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