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Toni's POV
9:48 AM

After last night, Janet and I didn't get much sleep. Skai kept tossing and turning around in bed from her dreams. Janet had to keep singing to her in order for her to go to sleep. It was a mess. Right now Janet took Everest for her morning walk and I'm in the kitchen making breakfast. Skai has also become clingy too. She didn't want Janet to leave, in fear of her not coming back.

"What do you want to eat baby?"

"Oatmeal please." I nodded my head and began preparing her oatmeal. Maybe if she talks about her dreams she won't have them anymore.


"Yes, mommy?"

"Can you tell me about your nightmare? It might make you feel better." She frowned and shook her head. I sighed and looked at her.


"I don't wanna!" She yelled and began crying. I turned down the fire and walked to her. I picked her up and she laid her head on my shoulder.

"Mommy's sorry baby. I was just trying to help you feel better baby."


"You forgive me?" Skai mumbled a yes and kissed my cheek. I smiled and wiped her tears. I walked to the stove and began making her breakfast with her in my arms.


It's Sunday so we are at Mama K's house for dinner, of course. Her Sunday dinners are the best! Skai played with her cousins and they ran around the house causing trouble. I sat on the couch with Janet, Rebbie, LaToya, and Whitney. We were just talking about random things.

"So, how's Skai doing?" Rebbie asked and I sighed.

"Well she was doing okay but that was before the nightmares." Janet said and I nodded.

"Have you guys thought about putting her in therapy?" LaToya suggested and I shook my head,

"Not really but wouldn't therapy and speech therapy be a bit much for her?"

"Mm, I'm not sure. I don't have any kids..." We all laughed.

"Maybe we should ask mama." Rebbie said as she got up to go and get her. A few moments later, the two of them came back.

"Mama, do you think Skai should be put in therapy after what happened to her?"

"Of course. I'm guessing she has been having nightmares too?"

"Yes, and she has been clingy too. She didn't want me to walk Everest this morning."

"I see. Have you tried talking to Skai about her nightmares?"

I nodded, "I tried that this morning but she immediately shut down and cried."

"Mmm well yeah, therapy is a good decision. Find one that specializes in children, specifically toddlers."


Janet's POV

It's been about a few days since we talked with my sisters and mother about therapy for Skai. We searched and searched and we found a therapist who specializes in toddlers. So we set up an appointment for today for Skai and I hope it goes well.

Child Psychology Co.

It took us about thirty minutes to arrive at the clinic, which isn't that long. We got out of the car and headed to the front desk.

"Hi, my daughter has an appointment with Dr. Finch today."

"Okay, what's the same of the child?"

"Skai Jackson." Technically, Skai's last name isn't Jackson but I had to book her under our last name. The lady typed something into her computer and looked at me.

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