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Nobody's POV

A week after Skai's birthday, Janet had to go back to film for the movie. Skai didn't want her mother to leave but she understood that she has to work. Janet will be back before her birthday and then she has to go back to filming again. Today Tamar and Skai have school so Toni dropped them off because she has a doctor's appointment after.

"Be good in school guys!" Toni yelled out of the window and waved at them. Tamar turned around and laughed.

"We will!" After dropping the two of them off, Toni headed to her doctor's appointment. Her appointment was just to check on the baby and normal blood work. When she got to the hospital, she parked the car and headed inside. Jackie was already waiting for her so the two of them walked to a room.

"Hi, mom."

"Hi, Auntie Jackie." The two of them joked and laughed.

"How is the baby treating you?"

"Neutral. Some days I have morning sickness and some days I don't. My cravings are good but Tamar doesn't enjoy eating them."

"You're cravings are only good to you, you know that?"

"You think so?"

"Yes of course." She laid Toni down on the table and grabbed the ultrasound machine. She then used the gel on Toni and grabbed the probe. Soon Toni's baby showed on the screen.

"Can you tell what we're having?"

"Actually I can but it might not be accurate. Do you still want to know?"

"Umm, no. I'll wait until Janet comes back."

"Okay, well your baby is healthy and is growing at its normal rate. You can see its fingers and arms right here."

"That's so cool. Can I hear its heartbeat?" Jackie nodded and then pressed a few buttons on the machine. Soon the baby's heartbeat filled the room.

"Very strong heartbeat." After everything was done, Jackie cleaned Toni's stomach. She then left to go refill Toni's prenatal vitamins. After Toni's appointment, she went to this restaurant to have brunch with her aunts. They decided to go and eat at this place called Websters and Max said that their brunch is good. Toni got there a few minutes late, of course, but her aunts had just arrived. She sat down and the three of them engaged in small conversation.

Tamar's POV

I'm in class right now and I'm doing my math work. I hated math class in Baltimore but I love it here. I have no idea what that's about.

"Attention class, we have a new foreign student named Océane. She only speaks French so I'm going to have her sit next to you Tamar." Now why is the teacher speaking to this girl in English like she understands?

"Je parle français donc tu peux t'asseoir à côté de moi." I told her. She smiled and sat down in the empty chair.

(I speak French so you can sit next to me.)

"Merci. Quel est ton nom?"

(Thank you. What is your name?)

"Je m'appelle Tamar."

(My name is Tamar.)

When the bell rang we left the class. I could tell that she was a bit lost so I helped her get to her next class. It turns out that we have the same schedule so this will be easy. After school, her mother picked her up and we said our goodbyes. I walked to Skai's school to pick her up. When I got there, she was already waiting for me. When she saw me she smiled widely and ran towards me.

"Hi, Auntie Tay."

"Hi, Skai. How was school?" I signed her out and we walked to the house together. When we got there, I saw Toni's car in the driveway along with my Aunt Max's car. Yes, they're here! I opened the door with my keys and Skai walked in first.

"Hi, Mommy."

"Hi sweetheart, how was school?"

"Good, I drew a picture for my baby." I chuckled.

"Your baby Skai?"

"Yup, Mommy is just having it." I shook my head and greeted my aunts. After, I headed upstairs to go and do my homework.

Janet's POV

The scene that we're filming is when we are in the Bahamas. The couples had fun all day and now it's time to die down. Gavin and Patricia are in bed, acting like a cute couple.

"Ms. Patty cake?"


"You're sleeping?"

"No, I'm awake." I chuckled.

"So let me ask you when you were with the girls today, did you guys talk about umm, kids?"

"Baby please don't do this."

"Don't do what?"

"I know where you're going..."

"Where am I going—"

"It's just not the time right now." Let's see if I can remember my lines for this whole scene.


After filming for almost the whole day, Tyler took us out to dinner. Then after, we headed back to our hotel rooms. I got inside of the shower and once I was down, I put on my nightgown. I grabbed my phone and got in the bed. I called Toni and soon Skai's face popped up on the screen.

"Hi, baby."

"Hi, momma. I miss you."

"I miss you too. How come you're still up?"

"Today is Friday."

"Oh right." I laughed and she smiled.

"Where's mommy?" She flipped the camera and showed me Toni who was sleeping.

"Oh okay, don't wake her—"

"Mommy wake up. Momma wants to speak to you." I shook my head. Toni grabbed the phone and her face popped up on the screen.

"Hi, love."

"Hi, baby. You had a long day today?"

"Mmhmm, I went to my doctor's appointment and then I went out with my aunts. The baby is healthy and Jackie refiled my vitamins. How was your day?"

"My day was very slow. We spent almost the whole day filming. Then after, Tyler took all of us out for dinner. It was good."

"Mm, where did you guys go?"

I chuckled, "You're going to be so jealous but we went to Mr. Chow." Her mouth dropped and she laughed.

"Wowww. Just forget about me..."

"When I get back we can go." We talked on the phone for a few more minutes before we went to bed. I can't wait to go back home. I miss my baby and Skai.



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