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Whitney's POV

Today my husband is taking me out on a date. He says that I deserve it, and I really do. I'm tired of these damn kids. Michael told me to dress simple so I'm putting on an all-black dress. The same one that I had on in Waiting to Exhale. Kenny let me keep it, along with a few other outfits. I sat at my vanity and did my makeup a bit. I picked up my makeup brush and used a light coat of foundation. From my mirror, I saw Skai come into my room. She stood next to me and grabbed another brush. She then acted like she was putting makeup on her face. I laughed and looked at her,

"What are you doing princess?"

"I'm putting makeup on like you."

"You don't need any makeup baby, you're beautiful."

"You're beautiful too so why are you wearing makeup?" Oh, she got me there.

"You know what, you're right." I grabbed a makeup wipe and wiped my makeup off. I looked in the mirror and smiled.

"You look beautiful Auntie." If a child says you are beautiful believe them, if they tell you that you're ugly, believe them too. Because kids know what ugly is.

"Thank you." I fixed my hair and then headed downstairs. I think Skai went into Paris' room. Once I got to the living room, I saw my husband waiting for me.

"Wow, you look beautiful baby." I blushed.

"You think so? My face feels so plain."

"I love you that way." Michael said and kissed my cheek. He grabbed my hand and we walked to his car.

"Hey you looking fine. What's your name?"

I laughed, "Whitney Elizabeth Jackson."

"Mm, I see. Do you have a man?" He asked me and I chuckled. He closed the door one I got in and headed to the driver side.


"He must be a lucky man. Tell me about him." Michael said and I blushed while biting down on my bottom lip. I love my baby so much. I don't know what I would do without him.

 I don't know what I would do without him

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Nobody's POV
February 7

Today is Skai's fourth birthday and Janet came back from the Bahamas about a week ago. For Skai's birthday, she wanted to go to Disney Land so her parents planned a day for the family. Katherine and Joseph wouldn't be tagging along because it would be too much walking for them. Toni and Janet woke up and did their morning routine.

"I can't believe it's already been a year since we first saw Skai." Last year, on her birthday, Toni and Janet saw Skai for the first time. They instantly fell in love with her and they knew that they wanted her to be their daughter.

"Oh right. A year goes by fast." Janet said and Toni nodded her head. After the couple finished their morning routine, the two of them headed toward their daughter's room to wake her.

"Skai..." Toni cooed and gently shook her. Skai whined and rolled over in her bed.

"It's your birthday baby. Don't you want to wake up?" Janet asked and Skai nodded while her eyes were still closed. Janet laughed,

"So you have to wake up. Remember we're going to Disney Land today." Skai quickly shot up in bed and they laughed.

"Happy birthday baby." The couple said at the same time. Skai smiled and hugged them.

"Thank you, mommy and momma."

"What would you like for breakfast birthday girl?"

"Umm, can I get pancakes with sprinkles and whipped cream please?"

"Alright, baby." Toni and Janet kissed their daughter's forehead while they prepared her breakfast. Today is Saturday so Skai nor Tamar, has school today. She got out of her bed and headed to the bathroom. Skai stepped on the stool and looked at herself in the mirror.

"I don't feel four." She shrugged and began to brush her teeth and wash her face. Once she was done, she dried her face and headed downstairs.

"Happy birthday niece."

"Thank you, Auntie Tay." She said and hugged her aunt. She sat down at the table and Janet plated her food.

"Thank you, momma."

"You're welcome."

"Oh yeah, I can't wait for my birthday." Tamar said and Toni laughed.

"You're too old to be getting this treatment." Tamar playfully gasped and shook her head. After the four of them ate breakfast they had to get ready. Tamar helped Skai get dressed while Toni and Janet got dressed.

"Sing it Skai." The two of them were singing Stranger in my house by Tamia. One of Tamar's favorite songs.

"Or could it be that the stranger is meeee?!" Toni laughed as she walked into Skai's room.

"Okay stranger, are you ready?" She nodded her head as Tamar fixed her hair. Tamar dressed her in a red and white polka dot dress and it had a black bow in the back. She did her hair in two buns, like Minnie, and put a red bow around them. Tamar also put on red shoes on her feet which matched her dress. Once everyone was dressed, Janet drove them to Disney Land where the rest of the family were waiting.

"Mommy and momma are you guys going to get on the rides with me?"

"No baby we can't. The rides are only for you." They soon arrived at Disney Land and Skai was beyond excited.

"Hi birthday girl." Michael cheered as he saw his niece exit the car.

"Hi! Can you go on the rides with me 'cause mommy and momma can't?"

"Of course. The birthday girl gets whatever she wants from uncle Mike."

"Oh boy..." Janet joked and her brother waved her off. They soon entered the park and Skai wanted to go on every ride she saw. The first ride she went on was the Alice and Wonderland rollercoaster. It's only for kids but Tamar managed to fit on it. The two of them had so much fun that they went on it again. After going on most of the rides, Skai wanted to go on one with her uncle. The two of them went on this big rollercoaster that Skai could only get on because she was going with an adult. She had fun on that one also but it was a little scary for her. She would never go again.

After having fun at Disney Land, the family then went to Katherine's house where birthday dinner was waiting for Skai. They all ate and then sang happy birthday to her. Skai's cake was Disney themed, of course, and it had all of the Disney princesses on it. After eating her cake, Skai immediately fell asleep, worn out from all of the fun she had today.

"Let's see what she wants to do for her next birthday." Janet told Toni and she laughed. She tucked her daughter into bed and turned the light off.


•Whitney and Michael are so cute 🥺🤍

•Skai's birthday?

•This book is about to speed up 😝

•This book is about to speed up 😝

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Excuse any errors ✨

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