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Janet's POV
June 10

Toni is on her menstrual and she isn't feeling well so I'm taking Skai to her therapy appointment today. I offered to reschedule it so that Toni could be there but she didn't want me too. When Toni is on her menstrual it's bad. She throws up, has cramps, heavy flow, and all of that. Not me though. I'm one of gods favorites. Only on my first day, it's heavy.

(Please tell me y'all get this— 😭😭)

"Are you sure you're going to be okay by yourself?" I asked her for the umpteenth time today.

"Yes, I'll be fine. If you're gonna miss me just say that." I shook my head and smiled.

"Nooo." We both laughed and Skai came into the room.

"I'm ready." She said and I nodded.

"Okay. Tell mommy later." She walked over to the bed and kissed Toni's cheek.

"I'll b-be back later to take c-c-care of you mommy." Toni chuckled and kissed all over her face.

"I'll be waiting Dr. Skai."

"Go put your shoes on baby, I'll be down soon." She nodded her head and headed downstairs. I kissed Toni's lips and she kissed back.

"Tell me everything that happens."

"I will." I kissed her lips one more time before leaving the room. I headed downstairs and saw Skai putting her shoes on.

"No baby, the other foot."

"Huh?" I chuckled and grabbed her hand. I helped her put her shoes on and she smiled.

"Thank you, momma."

"You're welcome, baby." We walked outside, headed to my car and I strapped her in her car seat.

"Momma, where are we going?"

"I told you earlier baby that we're going to see Dr. Finch." I told her and she frowned.

"Oh." I took a deep breath and kissed her forehead. I got into the car and we soon headed to the building.

Nobody's POV

Once Skai and Janet got to the building, Dr. Finch was already waiting for her. She invited Skai into her office and she took her usual seat on the couch as Janet watched from the outside. This is Skai's fourth session and she hasn't told Dr. Finch what bad thing happened in her dream. She grabbed a dark blue crayon and began drawing the sky.

"Hi, Skai."

"Hiii." She cheerfully said.

"How was your week?"

"Good. On Sunday we w-went to Mama K's h-house and s-she cooked. On yesterday I went to auntie W-Whitney's house." Skai put the blue crayon down and grabbed a green one, drawing grass.

"Mm, did you have fun with your aunt?"

"Mmhmm." Dr. Finch nodded her head and grabbed the drawing that Skai drew a few weeks ago. She still hadn't told Dr. Finch what happened in the dream.

Toni's POV

I groaned as another cramp pierced my stomach. I hate this so bad! When I was younger I used to not have to take any medication but now, I have no idea what happened. The house phone rang and I picked it up seeing that my sister Traci is calling.


"Hiiii." I heard her and my three other sisters say. I smiled.

"Hi, guys. What are you guys doing?"

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