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Janet's POV
Rome, Italy
October 7

Today is my baby's birthday and I took her to Rome. She has been saying that she wanted to go so I took her. We landed late last night and Rome is so beautiful at night. I rolled over in bed and saw my wife's beautiful face. I smiled and leaned over, kissing her lips a few times. My hands reached underneath the covers and I rubbed her thighs.

"Baby..." My fingers rubbed her slit and she squirmed underneath me. I smirked and opened her legs wider. My fingers easily slipped inside her and her walls adjusted to my size. Toni's hands gripped my arms and her eyes fluttered open. I increased my movements and she threw her head back.

"Fuck, baby!" I bit down on my bottom lip, watching the sexy faces my wife made. She panted and clawed at my arms. Toni's legs closed but I opened them back. My fingers slipped deeper inside of her, repeatedly attacking her spot.

"Jan- right... there..."

"Right here?" I said slowing down a bit, purposefully continuing to hit her spot. She nodded her head and wrapped her arms around me, pulling me closer to her body. Toni's legs spread open and I continued to hit her spot. She squeezed me tighter and her sweet moans filled my ear. I kissed and sucked on her neck, leaving love marks on her skin. Toni kissed and licked my ear, causing me to shiver.

"I'm cumming daddy." She whispered in my ear, motivating me. I curved my fingers inside of her and Toni's nails raked up my back.

"Let daddy know how good she's pleasing you." I told her, pulling away from her neck so that I could watch her. Toni's eyes locked with mine and she opened her mouth to speak,

"So- so good." Toni moaned and I licked my lips. Her legs began to shake and her moans got louder. Toni's eyes rolled back as her back arched off of the bed. She gripped my arms and her body convulsed underneath me. Her walls squeezed my fingers as I felt her creams coat them. I slowed down a bit and she panted.

"Happy birthday love."


Trevi Fountain

Toni, I and Skai looked at this 18th-century fountain in awe. It's so big and beautiful. Skai found this sign that had all the information about the fountain so I read it to her.

"When the Trevi Fountain was first built, it was supplied with fresh drinking water from natural springs for the people in Rome who would bring buckets to the fountain and collect the water to take home."

"Woah, can you drink it now?" Skai asked moving closer to the water but Toni pulled her away. I laughed.

"No baby." After looking at the fountain for a few, we went to this place where we learned how to make our pasta.

"Momma, mommy look. I-I made a heart!" She said excitedly and I smiled.

"Good job baby." Toni and I praised her and she smiled widely. Once we finished making our own pasta, we let it cook while we made our sauce.

"Mommy, what sauce are you making?"

"Mariana sauce."

"Marry who?" Skai asked and we laughed.

"The red sauce baby."

"Oh just s-say that." Skai said looking at Toni and I smiled. She's so bossy and sassy. I guess she acquired that trait from me.

"Okay, I'll say that next time." A few minutes later, our food was done cooking. I plated my wife's and daughter's food before plating mine. Our food was so good, I could fall asleep after. Once we finished eating dinner, we headed to this gelato spot a few blocks down.

"What flavor do you want baby?" I asked Toni.

"Cookies and cream." The two of them answered and I chuckled. I ordered for the three of us and of course, Skai had to get toppings on hers. She got more crushed Oreos and chocolate syrup. She will be bouncing off of the walls tonight. After getting our gelato, we walked to this nearby park. We sat on the beach and Skai sat between us.

"Mommy this is good but it doesn't taste like ice cream."

"That's because it's not ice cream, it's gelato. Italian ice cream." Skai soon finished her gelato and she went off to play, with other kids. I scooted closer to Toni and she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Thank you for taking me here baby. I'm really enjoying it."

"You're welcome." I kissed her lips and she kissed me back. I pulled away and she smirked at me. I shook my head and spoke,

"We're at the park Toni."

"I know that. When we get back to the Villa." Toni said and winked at me. I laughed and looked at Skai playing with another girl around her age. I'm surprised that Skai is actually playing with her since she's a bit shy around new people.


Once we got back to the Villa, I bathed Skai and she immediately fell asleep. I tucked her in and kissed her forehead. Toni soon came into the room and did the same. We then walked downstairs and heard Luther playing on the radio.

If this world were mine, I'd place at your feet
All that I own, you've been so good to me
If this world were mine
I'd give you the flowers

I sat on the couch and she sat next to me. Toni leaned her head on my shoulder and I rubbed her back.

"I enjoyed today."

"Me too. I'm glad you had fun baby." I truthfully said and she chuckled.

"I think Skai had to most fun. Did you see how much flour she had on her?" While we were making the pasta, she was having fun with the flour and dough.

I chuckled, "Yeah, and then she had gelato after. Almost drove us off the walls."

"Like always. I enjoyed my gifts from Skai and you today, thank you, baby." Skai made Toni a bracelet from a jewelry kit that Paris ordered. Toni kissed my lips and I kissed back.

"You're welcome baby and you have one more gift. This one is from your sisters." I got up from the couch and went to the closet. I grabbed a small bag and made my way back to the couch. I gave Toni the bag and she smiled.

"Am I going to be scared? Because one time they gave me, well Tamar, she gave me worms crickets, and dirt in a jar." Toni said and I busted out laughing. Tamar is a menace.

"No, it's not going to scare you. You're going to love it actually." Toni opened the bag and looked at the box. She opened it seeing a necklace with two pendants. One of the pendants was a heart and the other one was an Angel wing. Her sisters got it for Toni in remembrance of their grandmother.

"I used to be her Angel and now she's mine. I will carry my Angel in my heart wherever I go and I call her grandma. I love you. Oh my gosh, I'm going to cry." Toni sniffled and I hugged her tight. When I was born my grandparents had already passed so I didn't know what losing one feels like. I could only imagine what it feels like to lose someone you love dearly. Like your parents, one of your siblings, your wife, or your child... but I've never gone through any of those... I hope not to go through them.


•Toni's birthday? 😫

•Skai's gift to Toni?

•The sisters' gift to Toni?

•Double update 🙌🏾

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