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Toni's POV
June 1
12:37 PM

"Mommyyyy." Skai whined and I opened my eyes to look at her. She had tears running down her face as she thrashed in my arms. I'm trying to put her down for a nap but she keeps having nightmares and crying which is giving me a headache. Her not getting any sleep is making her whiny and restless.

"It's okay baby. I'm here." I wiped her tears and got out of bed with her in my arms. I've been trying to get Skai down for a while now and Janet isn't here to sing to her. She went out with Rebbie and I stayed with Skai. Janet wanted to stay but I told her to go and hang out with her sister. I now regret telling her that.

"I-I'm tired mommy."

"I know baby. I'm tired too." I told her and she cracked a smile. Her eyes close again and I sighed, knowing it wasn't going to last long. I sat back on the bed and rubbed her back. If Skai can't sleep because of her constant nightmares, how is she going to do in court when she has to testify against her mother? That is going to be hard on her, on us too.

My bedroom door soon opened revealing Janet. I softly smiled and she walked over to us. She kissed my cheek and then picked up Skai.

"Momma, sing please." Janet began humming a song and I got up to go to the bathroom. I opened the cabinet and grabbed a Tylenol. Once I took it I laid in bed and was soon knocked out.


I woke up in my bed many hours later. Janet's head laid on my stomach while one of her hands rested on my boob and the other on my waist. I promise you Janet sleeps weird. I heard voices coming from downstairs and I rose my brow.

I bet it's Whitney, Michael, and Paris. I removed myself from under Janet and headed to the bathroom. Once I finished, I went downstairs and saw them in the kitchen including Mama K. Skai heard me walk in and she turned around.

"Hi, mommy."

"Hi, my baby." I bent down to her level and kissed all over her face. She giggled and pushed my face away from hers. I didn't hear her cry after Janet put her to sleep or maybe I was just knocked out.

"Hi, guys. When did y'all get here?"

"About two hours ago. We ordered pizza and wings." Mama K said and I nodded.


"Mommy Paris is g-gonna make me a cake." Skai said excitedly and I smiled.

"No, the cake is for everyone." Paris told her and she shook her head.

"I'm gonna eat all. Me and E-Everest." I laughed at her and she hugged my legs. I picked her up and walked to the living room.

"What's the matter, baby?"

"Nothing, I-I just miss you." Skai said and I kissed her forehead. I sat on the couch and turned on the tv. The Cosby Show played and I watched it.

"Sondra's in the wilderness, Denise is in the jungle, and she's on the locomotion!" I laughed. Clair is one of the best tv mothers. She isn't scared to say anything and knows how to show discipline. Her rants are the best!

Janet soon woke up and we ate dinner together. Everyone left a few minutes ago and before we went upstairs, Skai helped me feed Everest. We headed upstairs and Janet got Skai ready for bed while I headed into the shower.

Once I finished with my shower, I put on a Victoria's Secret pantie and bra set. I then headed to the closet to look for a shirt to wear. I bent over, looking in the draw and I felt Janet smack my ass. I picked my head up and looked at her.

"Jan! Why did you do that?" I said and hit her chest. She plays too much.

"Dang, I don't get no I love you or nothing?"

"Fuck you." I said jokingly and stuck up my middle finger at her. Janet swiftly grabbed my waist and pinned me against the wall. She stood in front of me and I bit my bottom lip.

"Stooopp, I just came out of the shower." I told Janet and she chuckled.

"Who cares? Tell me that you missed me all day and that you love me." Janet whispered in my ear and I wrapped my arms around her neck. She sucked on my neck and I let out a low moan. I'm slowly falling into her trap.

"I love you daddy and I missed you all day." Janet pulled away from my neck and kissed my cheek. She then kissed my lips and I ran one of my hands up and down her toned stomach. I felt my clit throb and I moaned into our kiss.

"Jan." I breathed out once we pulled away. Janet looked at me and her eyes filled with lust.

"Shhh." She said and kissed my neck again neck. Her hand held my waist while the other rubbed my thigh. Janet pulled my underwear down to my ankles and swiped her thumb across my clit. Janet sucked on my neck again and I can feel her leaving a hickey. She stuck her two middle fingers in me and I shuddered. I kissed and moaned into her ear. I squeezed the back of her head as her fingers explored me.

"Uhh! Baby..." I moaned and she chuckled against my skin. I threw my head back against the wall and panted. I bit down on my bottom lip and whimpered. I don't even know how I'm standing up at this point. Janet moved her fingers faster, creating sloshing sounds. I gasped and gripped her wrist.

"Toni you know better than to do that." Janet said and I immediately let go. She pulled her fingers out of me and before I could protest, I was bent over the dresser, facing a mirror. Janet slipped her fingers back inside of me and I jolted forward. I gripped the dresser as her fingers repeatedly plunged into me.

"Mmm, look at that reflection while I'm in this pussy." She told me as I opened my eyes seeing our reflection. I tightened around Janet's fingers and she groaned.

"You love it when I fuck you like this?" I rapidly nodded my head and moaned. She continued to drill her fingers into me making me a moaning mess. My nails raked against the dresser. We might need a new one...

"Fuck!" My eyes rolled back and my mouth dropped open. Her other hand smacked my ass and I bit my bottom lip feeling the burning sensation. Janet slipped another finger into me and I attempted to close my legs.

"Toni..." She warned and I shook my head.

"No! Please!" I yelled but it didn't work since she pried my legs back open. Her thumb rubbed my sensitive bud and my hips bucked forward. I looked back at our reflection and saw her looking at me.

"You about to cum baby?"

"Yess." That must have motivated Janet because she plunged her fingers faster. I clench around her fingers, feeling my orgasm near. Tears fell onto my cheeks and my wife pleased me so damn good.

"Damita!" I screamed out as my juices leaked on her fingers. My legs trembled and I panted coming down from my high. I blinked a few times and she rubbed my ass cheek. Janet kissed my ear and pulled her fingers out of me.

"You okay?" She asked before licking her fingers.

"Fuck you." I breathed and she grabbed my neck. I whimpered and closed my eyes.

"We can go for round two in the shower if you want." I nodded my head and she chuckled.


•Do you guys think Skai's nightmares are gonna go away?

•Toni and Janet's scene? 😮‍💨

•Toni and Janet's scene? 😮‍💨

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