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Nobody's POV
September 23

Toni sat in the living room while doing Skai's hair so that she could go to the mall with Janet. Toni was staying home because she was feeling sick. She has been throwing up for the past few days but when she took a pregnancy test, it came up negative.

"Mommy, is this you or Auntie Trina?" Skai asked Toni. While she was doing her daughter's hair, she wanted to look through a photo book.

"That's Auntie Trina."

"Oh, and this is you with your grandma." Skai stated as she flipped the page.

"Yeah, that's us. We used to live in Maryland." The picture was of Toni, her aunts, and her grandmother in the kitchen. Toni loved to help her grandmother out in the kitchen when she was little.

"You d-didn't live with momma all your life?" Toni chuckled and shook her head.

"No, I didn't baby. Maryland is where my sisters live remember? I used to live with them."

"Oh yeah." Toni closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she felt herself beginning to get nauseous. She removed Skai from on top of her lap and rushed to the bathroom. Skai looked back in confusion but then heard her mother throwing up. She got up from the floor and headed upstairs, getting Janet.

"Momma! Mommy vomit again." She told her and Janet rushed downstairs, into the bathroom. Toni's face was in the toilet as she threw up the breakfast that she ate this morning. Janet put Toni's hair up so that it wouldn't get in her face.

"It's okay baby." Janet said rubbing her wife's back. She took a deep breath because she doesn't like when people throw up, just like her brother. Janet looked at the door and saw Skai standing there.

"Is Mommy going to be okay?"

"Yes, baby she's going to be fine. Go play with Everest and I'll be out soon to finish your hair." Janet said and Skai went to the backyard, playing with Everest. Once Toni was done she rinsed her mouth and rested her head on Janet's shoulder.

"You okay baby?"

"A little."

"I don't have to go to the mall. I can stay here with you..."

"No, I'll be fine. I just need to lay down." Janet nodded as Toni headed upstairs. She cleaned up the bathroom and watched her hands before heading to the living room.


Janet, Skai, LaToya, and Stevanna are in the mall right now, shopping. Stevanna took Skai to Build-A-Bear since she wanted a new bear. The sister duo stayed inside American Eagle shopping for new clothes.

"Toni's sick again?"

"Yup, Toni hates germs but they love her." Janet said and LaToya laughed.

"This is like the third time she's been sick, right?"


"And you guys are trying to get pregnant so..." LaToya trailed off.

"She took a test this morning and it was negative." Janet said matter of factly.

"Oh, well then she's sick." The two of them giggled and continued their conversation. Which was soon cut short when someone bumped into LaToya.

"Umm excuse me." LaToya said turning around, being polite.

"You're excused. You bumped into me."

"You have some nerve." Janet said and turned around to face the lady.

"I'm standing right next to my sister and I am pretty sure she didn't bump you." She added eyeing the older woman.

"And didn't. Now since you want to go at it, accusing people and shit, look at your hair bitch with them fake ass extensions." The lady gasped and Janet laughed.

"Right, what did you do? Go to your hairdresser and showed her a picture of Beetlejuice and said 'I want that'." LaToya laughed at her sister. The two of them are gagging this lady right now.

"Mmm, how many black eyes did Beetlejuice have again Janet? One or two?"

"Let's say two." Janet said putting her purse down and the lady walked off. The two of them laughed and shared a high-five.

"We still got it." Janet laughed.

"Mama is not going to believe it when we tell her."

(I got this from Abbott Elementary)


Janet's POV

After the mall, I picked up some food for us and headed back home. I looked in the back and saw Skai fast asleep. I shook my head and put the car in park. I got out and opened the back door. I then unbuckled her and picked her up.


"I'm just taking you inside the house." I told her and opened the house door. Everest greeted me and barked.

"Too loud." Skai said and I chuckled. I laid her on the couch and went back outside to get our things. When I got back in the house, Toni was coming down the steps.

"Hi, baby." I said to her. She just smiled and waved. My baby is still not feeling better. I set our things by the door and brought the food to the kitchen. I took out a Ginger Ale for her and poured it into a cup.

"Thank you, baby."

"You're welcome." I headed to the living room to wake Skai up so that she could eat. I sat on the couch and stroked her head.

"Skai, baby, wake up please." I softly said and she whined turning on her side. I smiled and picked her up.

"Are you hungry baby?" I asked her and she nodded her head.

"Okay, then you have to get up to eat." I set her down on the floor and we walked to the kitchen. When she saw Toni she ran to hug her legs.

"Hi, Mommy. You feel better?"

"Not really but I will be better soon." After we ate dinner I took Skai upstairs so she could get ready for bed. Once I finished bathing her, I rubbed lotion all over her body and she put on her clothes. I tied her hair down and she got in the bed. Everest scratched at the door and I opened it. She got on the edge of Skai's bed and laid there.

I chuckled, "Goodnight baby."

"Goodnight momma. Where's mommy?"

"I think Mommy went to sleep." She said a small okay and her eyes soon closed. I quietly got up and left her room, heading to ours. Once I got in our room, Toni was fast asleep. I kissed her forehead and headed into the shower. Once I got out of the shower, I put my clothes on and laid on the bed next to my wife. She rolled over, laying her head on my chest. I smiled and rubbed her back.

"I love you, baby."

"I love you too Janet."


•Toni being sick?

•LaToya and Janet?

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