ch 82: Please don't go

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Peter's pov

We returned to LA after our long exciting trip out of the country. It was amazing! But nothing like home! I ran into the house as I found Levio's and David's cars in the garage.

" Miles." I yelled

" Peter." Miles yelled back, sprinting from the living room

We hugged each other.

" I miss you." He said

" Me too, I got you something from Osaka."

" Ohh God, what is it?"

" You will like it."

" How lucky you are! Nice of Marco, you had a very extraordinary trip. Not like my stupid trip."

" Sorry to hear that." I said as my brother came into the house

" Hey, Marco." Miles said

" Hello buddy, how was your holiday?"

" Sucks."

He smiled at him and ruffled his hair as he made his way to the living room. We followed him

We got greeted by Levio, David, and Sofia. We talked about our tour. David and Sofia talked about the wedding. There is something else, something different. They were extremely happy and their eyes were shining, talking with a lot of admiration. Cole and Levio exchanged looks which means that they noticed the same thing.

Okay, let them be until they tell us by themselves.

I went to my room, I called Aria to tell her that I'm home, she was still in Canada, we talked about her day then I hung up.

David and Sofia went out and Levio got a call from the hospital. Miles went to his practice and it's just me and Marco. I went to check the dogs, played with them, fed them and took them for a walk.

When I returned to the house, I knocked on Cole's office because Tatiana told me he needed me. He let me in. I stood in front of his desk nervously.

" Pete, please, bring that chair here and sit next to me." He said smiling

Ohh nice I didn't do anything

I did as I've been told

" So, you need to learn how to take care of the company." He told me out of nowhere

" Why?"

" It's our company Peter, not mine, so we should help each other. Like when David and I weren't here, you can take our place in a meeting or whatever it is."

" Yeah, but Cole I'm-"

" You are not Peter, you can do it, you are very smart, I saw that. You remember when you negotiated with the men to lower the price of that shirt? I was impressed. I know what you can do Pete. So please, I don't want to hear any excuses."

" Ugh, Fine. " I said defeated

" Tomorrow, David and I will start teaching you."

I nodded, he smiled at me. I don't know, he is weird. Something is up with him. And it's worrying me.

" What's wrong Marco?" I asked

" Nothing, Ace." He retorted laughing

" I'm serious, are you hiding something from me? Do you have a rare disease? Are you dying or something?"

" What?" He laughed more, " No, it's just your right to know this thing, and you are old enough to take some responsibilities."

" Whatever." I said, standing from the chair and walking out the room

" Hey, I have some work in Belgium tomorrow so I have to go in some hours." He said before I exited the room

I looked at him with widen eyes. What? When this work came from? He is going and leaving me? We just came from a long flight why he has to go all out of sudden?

" Please, don't go." I pleaded immediately

" It's just a meeting, don't worry."

" Can I go with you?" I gave him a begging look

He smirked to me, yeah it's a ‘No’

" Come here!" He ordered nicely

I walked to him, pouting as tears formed in my eyes. I don't want him to go, I'm feeling something bad is gonna happen. He stood up and hugged me, ugh, no, there's something up with him! He is scaring me as fuck! I can't stand this anymore even on the tour he was treating me so weird.

I will try to find out.

" Please, don't go please." I begged

He pulled away with an affectionate look on his face. He kissed my cheek and asked me to go to my room so he can finish his work.

" No. I'm staying here." I protested

I sat on the chair next to him. He chuckled and started working on some files and teaching me some stuff.

A few hours later, I was woken up by Miles in my brother's office. I looked at the clock and it was 6 pm. With my stupidity, I slept. I looked around, I didn't find Marco.

" Where's he?"

" He took the plane to Belgium." Miles said

" Ohh, No, no, no." I yelled then I noticed a card on the table with my favorite soda

« Sorry Pete, I didn't say goodbye before I went, but you were sleeping peacefully, I couldn't wake you up. Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Stop hallucinating, and I promise you I will answer your calls and messages. Be careful and don't cause any problem, listen to them and be good, don't interfere with any business you know what I mean, stay safe. I put some money in your drawer, I'll be back soon. I Love you.»

" Love you too." I whispered to myself as I held my cries inside and buried them

To be continued...

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