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Before two days™

Luke's pov

" FUCK. MY. LIFE." My mind repeated this phase the hundredth time now, I am royalty fucked, why?

Because it's midnight right now and here I am tossing and turning on my bed to find a comfortable position to sleep and when all this was not enough my damned head thought it's the best time to start showing its presence.

It's hurting like a bitch and the next day, which is technically today, I have to go to the concert with my angel and I can't ditch school just because I can't sleep because of my thumbing as I was contemplating to go to the kitchen and look for some pain reliever and ointment which Malik gave me before.

My doorknob twisted to its right and out of reflex I pretended to be sleeping which wasn't very difficult because I was sleepy but just can't sleep. I thought that it could be Malik checking upon me which he always does during this time when he returns to his room either after late-night work or after his mandatory midnight snack sessions. This man's stomach is a black hole! But to my surprise it was Marco, his mint cologne gave his presence.

He entered my room and gently closed the door, he approached the side of my bed where I am sleeping' and sighed.

Why are you sighing Marc? The one who is suffering is me, my ass is feeling like it's going to burst into flames if I move even an inch, I thought in my head.

There was silence for a few seconds, then I heard him picking up my study chair and placing it near my bed and he held my hand gently with his right hand and kissed its back.

Is he sleepwalking? Is he dreaming about Matilda and somehow ends up in my room and thinking of me as Matilda? Oh lord if that is the case before he does anything, take me to heaven. I have to wake him up! I should do something!

My racing thoughts get interrupted by the gentle whisper of my brother, " I am sorry Lucas."

At least he is not sleepwalking.

" I was so harsh on you." He continued

Suddenly, I felt a very gentle hand caressing my head and a gentle kiss on my forehead but the touch is not of Marco it's Malik.

What's happening?

" We know you are not sleeping, Lucas, quit pretending and look at us love." Malik said and I immediately obeyed and stood up in a sitting position, hissing in the process.

I saw Marco sitting on the chair beside me and Malik standing beside him. They both smiled lovingly at me.

" Are you alright?" Marco asked, his tone filled with concern.

" Yeah, I mean... yes sir." I replied to him.

Then he suddenly hugged me and whispered in my ear, " You don't have to call me sir right now baby."

He held me in his embrace for a long moment and cared for my head, he gently separated me from him and looked at my face.

" Why are you both here in my room? Something happened, is it something related to the gang?" I asked them hurriedly

" Hey! We can't come to look upon our brother, huh?" Malik said in a bit of an offended tone.

" Ignore him." Marc said, resulting in Malik slapping the back of his head.

" I am two months older than you, treat me with some respect, what kind of example are you giving to your younger brother, huh?" Malik said, scolding Marco, more like teasing him

" Do you want me to show you my 'respect' towards you, huh?" Marco threatened him

" Ehh... Guys, before you guys increase my headache and make me completely insane, I request you to stop this and tell me why you both are here in the first place?" I said while looking at Marco, expecting an answer

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