ch 80: Traveling

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Peter's pov

Ahh, it was a fun yesterday, chilling in a room, and watching shows without doing anything productive.

I woke up, leaving my brother's room because he wasn't there. I went to the kitchen.

I find my breakfast on the table and a note. « If it's cold put it on the microwave, I will come back later, Love you »

I smiled and I put the things in the microwave to heat them then I sat eating them happily. He is cooking these days because Tatiana went out of the town. I went to the garden to check on the puppies but I didn't find them.

I took my phone and called Cole, and asked worried, " Where are the puppies and Dixie."

" First of all, Good morning. Second, I took them to the vet." He chuckled

" Ohh okay, where are you?" I sighed in relief

" At work."

"Okay, I'll go to the park with Artemis."

" Fine. Take care, don't talk with strangers."

" Okay, don't worry."

I took Artemis and went to the park. We played with the ball then we ran a little. He was a nice and smart dog. I loved him!

We walked back to the house. I found Dixie and the poppies home too. I fed them and watched them as they were trying to sleep on each other. Hehe hilarious! I sat in the garden, reading a book after talking with Miles. I could hardly keep my eyes open.

I felt someone shaking me. " Hey, are you dead?" Cole's voice filled my head

I looked at him, " Hey."

" Hey, honey. Why are you sleeping here? It's freezing, let's go inside."

I stood up and walked with him to the house.

" Do you want to have lunch?" He asked

" Not now."

" Okay, do you want to go outside the country?"

" Yeah." I replied excitedly

" So I choose three different countries to go."

" Countries?" My eyes lit up," Like other than the US?"

" Yeah!"

" I will choose one?" I asked as my mind couldn't process it

" No, we will go to all of them. I want you just to tell me what's your wishes!"

" Ohh ok. Do you have suggestions?" I asked

" Venice-Italy, Petra-Jordan, Osaka-japan." He told me

I had never been at any of these countries so of course I want to go.

" Amazing! They are all good. When will we go?" I asked excitedly

" Tonight, if we prepare our things."

" So let's go."

I ran to my room and I started grabbing some sweaters some jeans some shorts, my toothpaste and my toothbrush, my perfume and inspiration, my hairbrush, boxers and shirts, a couple of jackets and a hat and a bonnet and some gloves, who knows it can be cold.
All I put them in my suitcase. I took two sneakers, a sleeper and a boot in another bag. My laptop, my iPad my phone, and I think I'm ready!

" Cole, I'm-" I barged into his room when I found him on his comfy chair sleeping.

I threw a blanket on him and I grabbed his suitcase. I put some clothes for him, his other stuff and finally I found the name of his perfume. I put his laptop, iPad and the other phone in a bag. I took all the cases to the front door. I tried to be as quiet as possible to not wake him up. I think he is tired. God knows what time he woke up at.

I went to the kitchen, made spicy pasta and a salad; shredded brussels sprout salad. I made some tea then I went to wake my brother.

" Cole, Bobby, hey Marco."

Why didn't he open his eyes? Usually he wakes up as soon as I touch him

" Hey, Cole," I started shaking him, " Come on Cole, I made lunch for us."

I started to feel worried. I put my head on his chest to hear his heartbeats but nothing.

" Cole, don't please don't." I shook him more

" Ohh, stop, you are about to give me a concussion." He said laughing, and I got it he was joking.

I want to yell at him and to say that's not funny. I wanted to punch him. He was about to give me a heart attack but I preferred to walk out of the room. I returned to the dining room and started eating my lunch. He came in and sat on the table.

" Ohh delicious, nice work baby brother." He said as he put his hand on my hand

I pushed his hand away and sat on another chair away from him

I finished, cleaned my dishes, and sat in the living room, watching TV. A few minutes later, he sat next to me, he put a bottle of soda in front of me then he said, " Okay, it was a harsh joke, I'm sorry, don't be mad like that."

I looked at him then I took the soda. " Apology accepted but do it again and I will make you die for real ."

He laughed and took me into a hug which I gladly shared.

An hour later, we got in the jet with Pedro, the captain, Gorge, and the stewardess, Laura.

I sat next to my brother after he told me to. I looked out the window as we took off. It's scary at the beginning but once you are in the air, between the clouds, it's amazing. I looked at my brother when I noticed him watching me carefully from the window glass.

" Are you okay?" I asked him

He smiled and said, " I didn't travel before unless it's for work or for the Mafia. It's my first time, I'm going to just have fun. I didn't feel anything until you showed up and gave color and taste to everything. I was in need of a sibling all this time. I'm happy that I found you even if it was in awful condition."

" Aww, Cole. I'm happy to have you too, saving me from being a bad person, a man in jail. You gave me life and a shoulder to cry on and to rely on." I said to him

" Ohh, my baby. Now let's shut up because you know that I hate this emotional moment and let's have fun." He said unbuckling his seatbelt

" You started it." I whined, " And I'm not a baby."

He winked at me and got two glasses of drink. He handed me the glass which was filled to the quarter.

" Is it a trap or something?" I asked

" Absolutely not, haha, let's have a glass together, maybe I will die before you turn 18."

" Here we go again!" I rolled my eyes as I took the glass from him, " Stop talking about dying, please." I said Nice

He smiled and ruffled my hair. " Okay, love."

To be continued...

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