ch 72: Bloody night

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Marco's pov

We were fighting the Blackstone men, killing them one by one, and getting out the surrendered ones. Pedro opened the invisible drone and drove it in the place scanning the place in order to know from where we should go because we heard many bombings.

" Oops, Sir we have a problem." He said

" Of course we have!" I rolled my eyes

" Miles and Peter here!" He told me

I felt a rage of anger devouring me and my blood started boiling into my veins.

" So, Pedro, take care of this place and I will get them, tell Dave."

" Copy it."

I took some men with me and I rushed towards their direction. We found that the way was blocked. Ohh God!
My men made a hole with the cutter that we have and we went through it.

" Sir, Peter, and Miles separated." Chris said

" You take two with you and find Miles, I'll get my brother."

" Yes, boss." Chris did what I said

I ran in my brother's direction. We found a bunch of men sprinting in his way so we took the honor of shooting them. I was on my way when I got faced with Bryce. Finally, I looked at him coldly.

" Carnell, I was going to see my Peter. But seeing you is more honorable." He said smiling jerkily

I chuckled, " We have many things to talk about."

" If you stay aliv-" He was about to say but he blacked out as the man came and hit him on his head

It's Harvey, my man

" He is so garrulous."

I laughed. Two men took this stupid Bryce out and I shook Harvey's hand in a hand hug.

" Happy to see you, bro." I said smiling

" Me too, Boss."

We heard a Boom.

" I need to see that." He said

I nodded and continued my walk. He is the spy that I injected him into them, Harvey, one of the best elders.

I was about to take the turn when someone bumped into me. I looked down and it's him. Ohh Thanks, God, I'm very grateful!

He looked up with watering eyes, I just glared at him with my eyes filled with frustration

" Peter." I scolded

" Cole, please save mom, I mean the woman who kidnapped me please, I'm begging you. Do to me whatever you want but help her, please." He was trembling and stuttering

Ahh my heart squeezed inside me. I can't just ignore it.

" Where is she?" I asked softly

" From that way." He pointed out

I nodded and told my men to get her. They rushed there.

" You shot her?" I crouched down to my brother's height and held his hands, trying to comfort him

" No, sh-she he-helped me. She r-risked herself. I'm bad news for everyone."

" Shh! Enough Pete, it's not your fault. Stay here and calm yourself until I come back, okay?" I asked

" Okay." He nodded

I ruffled his hair and left, letting two men with him.

I found that woman trying hard to shoot. My men started to shoot with her, covering for me until I reached for her. I took the gun from her hand and shot instead then I picked her up and took her away.

" You look like him so much." She noted

" I know."

" Did you find him?" She asked

" Yeah."

" Why are you helping me?" She smiled

" My brother was begging me to and I couldn't bear it. We need to make a long chat too."

" I'm happy to see you even if you kill me and feed your dogs with my meat."

" I think you shouldn't tire yourself more."

She nodded and leaned on me. A man came in our direction with a gun in his hand

" Ohh, he is from them, open that door, take it as a cover, the gunshot couldn't get through it." She said

" He is my man." I smirked

Harvey approached us and he said, " Boss, all is clean and Chris found Miles bombing many areas and he is with David now. Let me help you."

" No, hide here and maybe you better hurt yourself or something to make it look like you are the only survivor."

" Yes sir." Harvey said

She closed her eyes and I hurried with her out. Luke was waiting by the car frowning because I didn't let him get inside.

" What happened sir?" He asked worried," Let me help you."

" Nah, start the car and hurry to the hospital." I said

He nodded, opened the backseat door and started the car. I called Levio and told him about her state. He got everything ready with his staff, waiting for us.

As we arrived, he took her inside the room and started the surgery. I found 75 calls from Sofia then a message

So: Your brother locked on me in the house, I think he got out with Miles, please stop them before they hurt themselves, 21:35

M: I find them, and I will kill them both don't interfere 🤬, 2:40

So: hey, they are home along with Dave, and they opened the door haha it's my first time, I see David scolding someone. He looks hot though 😉 I sent them to bed after another round of scolding. Please, you and Lev don't be harsh on them tomorrow, I mean in the morning 😂. 3:25

Lev: Ahh, Sofia 🙄

M: Hey, what happened with the woman?

Lev: I got that bro, I'm taking a rest 😏😅

Da: Lev, you will kill her man, go to work we need her alive 😒

Lev: Fine😒

M: I'm outside

Da: You won't rest? 😧

M: I will when I see her

Lev: I'll be quick

So: Focus, please 🤨

Lev: It's my job guys, shut up 🤫

M: Fine, just go

Da: By the way, Marco. Peter and Miles did a good job, they distracted them and killed 40% of them. You didn't see the tricks that your brother invented there, and the bombs that Miles put to close all the exits and they didn't let the staff of support make it. We trained them very well.

M: the best thing they did, they didn't get hurt

So: Right

Da: Marco we will sleep, Gn. Call me if anything happens ❤

M: I will. Gn for you two

So: Take care 😘

Da: Bryce is in the cell by the way if you want to play

M: Not tonight. Fred will take care of him.

I closed my eyes when I saw the time, 4:20 am. The door opened and Lev came out with his staff, taking that woman to a room

He sat next to me. " She made it."

" Nice to know that. I will sleep here." I told him

" Me too, I'm exhausted."

We went to our rooms in the warehouse because we didn't take the woman to the hospital, we have ours here too. I opened the cameras in the house, and accessed the cameras in Peter's room. I watched him, sleeping calmly after this whole bloody night, I smiled and slept too.

To be continued...

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