ch 33: The birds and the bees talk

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Peter's POV

I awoke enveloped in an exquisite mood, a paralyzing happiness coursing through my being. The radiance of the sun flooded the depths of my soul, propelling my spirits to ethereal heights, and my hopes soared with an intoxicating buoyancy. It was as if my feet scarcely graced the earthly plane.

In a rather incredulous turn of events, he accorded me the privilege of visiting my friend Adrien—an ostensibly small gesture that resonated with profound significance. Furthermore, he extended his generosity to permit access to the third floor, where he unveiled the portraiture capturing the visages of my progenitors. This seemingly inconspicuous act carried a weight of considerable import, leaving me appreciative and somewhat astounded by the unexpected breadth of his hospitality.

Indeed, his kindness manifests selectively.

Upon stirring and shifting to the other side, I was jolted into an awakening. A precarious proximity to a precipice greeted me, and I marveled at my nocturnal repose in the living room. Fortuitously, the couch on which I lay proved to be luxuriously comfortable.

Casting my gaze upon my slumbering brother on the adjacent couch, I endeavored to rouse him from his peaceful repose.

"Cole, rise and shine. Come on, you'll be late," I gently prodded.

In an instant, he turned towards me, displaying an impressive alacrity in awakening. I couldn't help but be momentarily startled. He reached out, his touch grazing my face, and with that, he ascended from his slumber.

"Morning," he greeted, to which I responded with a smile.

After attending to my morning routine, replete with a refreshing shower, I made my way to the dining room for breakfast. Cole graciously dropped me off at school.

The initial hours were spent with Miles, sharing the first two periods together. Later, I encountered a fellow student in my chemistry class.

"Hey, Aria," I greeted with a wave.

"Peter, nice to see you again," she replied, a warm smile gracing her face.

As the teacher delved into the details of a project that seemed to meld chemistry and technology into an amalgamation that felt reminiscent of philosophy, I couldn't help but bemoan the seemingly perplexing topic. To make matters more daunting, it was to be tackled in pairs. Oh, the trials of academia!

Despite any reservations I harbored, my ability to forge connections prevailed. Casting a glance in Aria's direction, I couldn't help but appreciate her allure. Why not give it a shot?

"Aria, would you like to be my partner for this project?" I ventured.

"I'd like to," she accepted.

Seated together during the break, we began the collaborative effort, divvying up the tasks to tackle our chemistry and technology conundrum.

She earnestly remarked, "We need to tackle this project collaboratively. I'd invite you over, but we're in the process of moving out. Do you have a suitable place?"

Reassuringly, I responded, "No problem. How about coming over today at 5?"

"Ah, great idea. See you later," she agreed.

Afterwards, I made my way to the cafeteria and joined Miles. Engaged in our usual banter, we discussed the latest basketball match, playfully annoying each other in the process.

Suddenly, I felt compelled to address a lingering concern. "Miles, I'm very sorry," I interjected.

Perplexed, he inquired, "What's wrong?"

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