ch 83: Vincent

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Marco's pov

I don't know what's wrong with Peter. He made my heart shatter when he begged me to stay with the stray tears gathered in his eyes. Fortunately, he slept so I could take my things and go without worrying about him trying to stop me.

I don't want to leave him like this, he will think that I hate him. But what can I do duty is calling?

I took a little card and wrote some words for the little one. I kissed his cheek, threw a blanket on him and left.

I got in the jet with Malik and we took off. I told Malik about how I left Pete.

He glared at me and said," The heck you have done, you shouldn't have left that way."

" I know but I can't bear seeing him crying."

" Yeah, yeah... Selfish."

" C'mon."

He ignored me and put his headphones on. I sighed and carried on reading my book.

In the morning after I arrived in Brussels, I sat reviewing this deal. I got two glasses of Vodka then Levio called me, he talked about some shit then he said, " Marco, be careful, please."

" I will."

I went to that meeting. It was like a party, not a professional meeting. I walked to where we would set the meeting. It caught my attention a girl with a stunning body, silky wavy brown hair. She turned and no, it's her.

Matilda Rivera! Here too? We exchanged gazes, making unbreakable eye contact. I missed her. My heart throbbed inside my chest like a drum.

And she still owns my heart, my soul and my everything. I'm still hers whatever she does.

" I saw her too, but our goal first." Malik's voice came from my headphones.

" You are right."

I ignored her presence and turned to my business. We were negotiating and trying to convince each other. I didn't like the deal so I refused it.

I was going out when I decided to see her from a distance then go but what I saw made me want to hunt that man down, tear him apart, hang him, torture him and make him regret approaching her more than 5 feet. I grunt on my teeth as I walked towards them. He was trying to flirt with her.

Once I was close enough and the man's face got clearer, I recognized him. It's been a long time!

" Hey, Marco ." My cousin said as he noticed me

" Hey, Vincent." I said darkly and looked at Matilda.

" Marco, this girl I have known just now so her name is Ma-" He was about to introduce her to me.

" We know each other." I said as I slid my hand around her waist and kissed her cheek.

" Yeah, we do." She said surprised and tried to remove my hand, " Keep your hands for yourself."

" Keep fighting me!"

" Why are you here anyway?"

" Hey, what's up?" Vincent asked as he looked between us.

" Nothing, how are you?" I asked him

" I am great!"

I sat with them, eating a salad while they were talking happily

" So, how do you know each other?" He asked

" From high school." She said, ignoring the fact that I was her Ex.

" Well, Matilda, I hope we can be friends too. You don't talk much but I think getting to know more about you would seem fun." He said as he touched her hand and just then they jumped at the sound of my fork stabbing my plate.

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