ch 65: Learn to forgive

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Marco's pov

She was staring at me with her shining blue eyes. I stood up, my eyes piercing at her. I want her so much but then I recalled how she ignored me and how she was so selfish. I couldn't just let go.

" Hey." I said coldly

" Hey, Marco." She replied

I couldn't stand her anymore, her eyes were begging me to talk, to yell, to do anything just to not let her suffer the silence. I don't feel like it!

" I will be in my room." Peter said

I nodded. He went out of the living room.

She said, " I feel you, Marc. I hurt you and myself too. I swear I can't get rid of this sin, I still feel guilty. I know you hate me now. I'm very sorry. I'm so sorry that I caused you pain.You are an amazing person and I feel awful for hurting you.You deserve much better than the way I treated you ."

" What happened in the past is in the past. I have nothing to do with that. And thank you for your understanding, I'm fine and I suggest you forget about it. It's not that important." I let out militantly

She looked at me with disbelief. She was searching for any sign of affection inside me but I won't let her see that light. She shedded a tear and my heart cringed.

Just don't stand like a statue Marco, hug her, kiss her, do something.

" I just came to see you before going back to France. I'm sorry and you have the right to talk to me like that. Thank you, Marco, for everything, how you took care of me, how you helped me, how you gave me that feeling again, that being loved, being wanted, precious, and powerful. For the first time, after 3 years, I said, I love you. Thank you and I'm sorry." She confessed

At the mention of Love she shedded some tears and wiped them. I felt her words getting through me like blades but I have to stay tough.

" I hope you can be on time for your plane." I said carelessly.

Yeah, good Marco, you just lost her again because of your stupid pride. Nah, ego!

" I lived while you loved me. See you, Marco Cole Carnell ." She said, turning her back to me and making her way to the door.

I was following her with my eyes as regret filled my chest.

Just stop her Marco please, I'm begging you.

No, shut up I get hurt enough. She closed the door behind her and yeah, the end.

It's not the end, if you run after her.

No, honey your pride or I swear you won't see me again.

Marco, you will regret it I swear to you, you will fight every night to just sense her besides you.

Hey, shut your hole you will make him do a horrible mistake

No you shut your hole, you will break him, he loves her

" Shut up both of you. Who are you anyway? Get out of my mind." I said

" She is gone?" Peter came in, " Really, you will end it like this?"

" Peter." I warned

" I won't shut up this time, your love for her is killing you. Reach for her, man. Run before you can't see her face again please." He raised his voice

" Peter, Quiet."

" No, I won't let you break your heart, come on, put on your jacket and let's get her back. It just needs a little courage."

" No and don't interfere with this. It's better for both of us, this relationship won't work. Now please, you either shut your mouth and resume watching or go to your room." I said harshly

" And if I don't?" He asked boldly

" Then you will be so sorry." I chuckled and picked him up

" Cole Marco Carnell, put me down." He scolded

I threw him on the couch and tickled him. He laughed, wiggling right and left and begging me to stop

" Stop, please... Cooole."

I laughed and asked," Will you close it?"

" Yes, yes... please."

" Okay." I ended the torture

He took some deep breaths then said," But you really love her."

" Shh."

" We have to learn to forgive, not because they deserve it no but because you deserve peace."

It's just what I need right now, Pete

" I'll take that into consideration." I kissed his cheek," But now it's time to sleep."

" Okay, good night." He stood up, gave me a hug then went to his room

I grabbed the glass but he came back. He took the glass and the bottle from my hand and put them wine cellar then he went to his room.

I smirked to myself. I went to grab it again when I was surprised that the door wouldn't open unless I enter a password. Ohh God! He put this when I gave him to improve the security system.

Ohh this kid will give me a heart attack. Ugh!

To be continued...

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