ch 79: Puppies

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Peter's pov

I woke to the pitter-patter of rain falling outside. The rain was almost too gentle for me to hear. I stretched a little then rubbed the sleep away from my eyes. I looked at the clock, it was 2:45 am.

Then I heard the thunder. Ohh the most lovely weather! I walked to my table. I took the bottle of water and I drank it.

I stood by the balcony door and looked out the glass, the rain was so relaxing. It was still early when the clouds gave of their rain to the grass and trees, when the road became alive with more splashes than my eyes could appreciate. Yet together they brought such a soothing sound, a natural melody every bit as beautiful as a mother's soulful hum. I loved it!

In between Al these relaxing sounds, I heard some soft barks. I guess one of the dog didn't make it home.

I need to see what's up there. I wore my coat and my boat and ran in the garden towards that sound. Once I am a few steps away, I gasped with joy. I was surprised by Dixie under a tree giving birth to a puppy.

" Ow, you were pregnant." I said, amazed and excited, " I'll help you."

I helped her to give birth to two others then I rushed to the house, hid a blanket under my coat, and returned to her.

She gave birth to three small and cute puppies. Aww!
I helped their mother to wash them as she licked them, then I put them in the blanket to warm their body.

" What the hell are you doing here?"

I flinched at the scary tone. I turned to him, to be hit with his flaming eyes. Yeah, he is angry. I smiled at him and said, " Come and look." I pulled his hand

He got closer and saw the puppies. " Wow, so cute." He said, " take them to the dog house and I'll bring Dixie."

" Yes, bro." I took the dogs

He came after me with Dixie. We put them in the house and made sure they were warm enough. My brother got some food for Dixie. Then he took me to the house

" Peter, you are so wet, take a shower to avoid getting a cold."

" Okay."

" Then come to my room."

" Why?" I tensed up

He just walked away. I took a quick shower and got changed then headed to his room. I knocked on the door and he let me in.

" Cole!" I stepped in and stood scanning the place, his Tv was opened, some bowl of snacks were laying on the nightstand, his blanket covered on his bed

" Will you stand there for the rest of the day?" He pulled me out from my trance

" Why did you call me?" I asked quietly

" Drift in here." He said, smiling

He pulled the blanket, showing me a spot beside him. I jumped on and pulled the blanket to my chin

" I know you won't sleep so stay here with me." He said as he put on a movie, gave me a glass of milk and got one for himself too.

I drank it then he gave me the bowl of snacks.

" Thank you," I said, watching the movie

He caressed my hair. A few minutes later, I rested my head on his chest, ignoring everything around me. I just got amazed by his heartbeat. I felt his hand on my back. So safe!

Time skip™

I woke up. He was still sitting next to me tapping on his computer. He was holding my hand.

" Morning." I said softly

" Morning bro."

I pulled my hand from his

" Ahh, finally, I was struggling as I tapped with just one hand."

" Shit, did I grip your hand?" I asked

Yeah, it happens sometimes, I remember when I was young, I gripped my mother's clothes very tight.

" Yeah, but it's fine." He said, touching my face with his backhand

" What time is it?" I asked weakly

" 11 am, babe."

" Do you have breakfast?"

" No, I'm waiting for you." He said, tapping on his computer

" Ohh, you don't have work today?"

" You have plans?"

" Hmm, Maybe if I think."

He laughed and put his computer down. " Wanna go to Spain?"

" French is better." I said immediately

" You don't want to see grandpa?"

" I don't want to see people you don't like."

" My problem with them you have nothing to do about it. I want you to have a good relationship with them."

" But-"

" They are your family and if something happens to me you will be fine with them. Anyway, I won't pressure you to go. " He cut me off

" Nothing will happen to you." I said aggressively, glaring

He pulled me to his chest laughing and I hugged him tightly.

When I think of it, it scares me. With the tons of stuff he is dealing with; the mafias, his gang, his work, most of them are risky... His stubbornness, his recklessness, his carelessness, his coldness, his self-reliance, and his haughtiness make me worry about him. I hate those things in his personality all the time.

Yes, he is rough with me and mostly, didn't care about my feelings but he has a nice side. He shows it sometimes.

If something happens to him, I won't have a shoulder ever again. I won't have a brother.

" Babe, hey Pete," He pushed me lightly, " What's wrong?" His tone was so soft, like he was talking to a baby.

Why is he talking to me like that? Then I felt this warm liquid streaming on my face. Ahh, I need to find a solution for my sensitivity. I looked at his shirt, it was wet too.

" I'm sorry for your shirt." I mumbled

" Do you think this is what I care about right now? Why are you crying, honey?" He cooed

" Nothing." I said, wiping the tears aggressively

" Not nothing, you always do this. Can you tell me, please?" He asked with a concerned look

" It's nothing." I said as I hopped up from his bed

He glared at me and said sternly, " Come back here."

I froze to think, then I heard, " Don't make me come and get you."

Ohh what I did now? I turned and walked to the bed. He opened his arm to me and without thinking twice, I jumped into them

" I love you so much."

" I love you too, let's put on one of your series and stay here all day, I will order food." He said

" Yey, okay." I said excitedly

He gave me the remote and I put on prison break. He put his hand on my hair and watched with me.

I told you he is a kind-hearted person sometimes!

To be continued...

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