ch 101: I'm drugged

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Peter's pov

I opened my eyes in the hospital. I looked at the nurse. " What happened?"

" Shh, let me call the doctor." She smiled

The doctor came and checked me.

I looked at him and asked again, " What happened to me?"

" Your body reacted badly to the drugs you took." He said

" Impossible, I can't do that." I said, sitting up

" So how it comes to you, anyway, your brother is waiting outside, you can leave, you are in a good state." He said

" Thank you."

" Welcome, drop it. it's not good for you." I nodded

I didn't do it! God! Cole must be so mad!

My brother entered the room after the doctor got out.

" Cole, I swear I didn't consume anything. "

" Up, let's go. I'm not gonna argue with you here." He said, grabbing my upper arm and harshly ushered me out of the hospital.

The drive home was awkward, as neither of us said a word. He was mad. He won't believe me, to who I will explain this. He pulled into the driveway and we both stepped out.

" I'm waiting for you in my office."  He said

I went to my room, changed my clothes and walked to him. I slowly opened the door of the study, where I was met by his famous glare.

" Come over here, Peter." Cole said as he signaled his finger, urging me to come forward. Which I sheepishly did.

" Can you tell me why in the hell you are taking drugs?" He asked sternly

" I didn't take drugs, I swear. Yes, I took a breath before from a Juul vape but no drug was in it."

" So how do you get drugs in your blood that were about to kill you?" He asked, looking away and it's not my brother's way.

He always likes eye contact but he is avoiding it now.

" I don't remember, but I swear I can't take it." I said honestly

" Bend over the desk." His voice came out calm but strict

" But Cole, I didn't-"

He hushed me with his hand up. I don't remember, but I'm sure that I didn't take it.

Was I vaping with Aria? Or did they put drugs in my drink? Ohh I don't remember... My head hurts

I realized that fighting the consequences won't help

" I have a kinda allergy to drugs." I said, hoping he would feel concerned and try to ask more about it, but he didn't.

He just folded his belt in two. I stopped fighting and bent over the desk as he asked.

" Your pants down."

I obediently made it go down

" You disappointed me, I'm sure now that I can't take care of you and get you out of this path."

You disappointed me to think that I did it

" I'm not on that path, Cole." I said with much frustration in my voice

I felt the belt come down on my butt sharply. I bit my lip and clenched my bottom tightly at the first swat. I shut my eyes as the licks from the belt landed on my unprepared bottom.

About 20 swats, I whined softly, trying to not make a sound and my legs shook at the pain. I want this to be over, but Cole seems to have barely gotten started. As the smacks rained down, tears finally made their way down my face.

I started kicking my legs and squirming. I felt my butt getting warmer with each smack then about 50 swats stopped.

During the whole spanking, I was controlling myself to not cry. I didn't want to give him this satisfaction.

" Hold still." He said as he took something else from his closet, and he started again

Ohh, what's this! Switch? It hurt so much. I started immediately bouncing and crying, my buttocks clenched and twisted, I couldn't help, it hurt like hell.

" Please, Stop, Please ... I'm sorry, I won't do it again." I begged but no he didn't stop.

Three other swats and he stopped. He pulled my pants back. I winced at the contact of the fabric with my burning bottom. He grabbed my hair to make me stand from the desk then he pushed me on the chair. I hissed when my butt touched the chair aggressively.

" I think I was so soft with you that you took advantage of it and did many things out of the line. I'm sick of putting up with your attitude." He said harshly without showing any weak spot for me

I wiped my tears looking at him with a hatred look.

" So do you learn your lesson?"

" You know what I learned, I learned to not expect you to believe me ever." I said without thinking twice.

Maybe he will give me another whipping but I won't hold it into me

" You just did it twice." I said coldly, " I don't want to stay with a person who doesn't trust me anymore. You are so toxic."

" You, worthless, I gave you value but you want to be such an idiot."

" You are the idiot." I yelled

" Shut your hole! How dare you after all you have done to talk like nothing happened. If I were you, I would be ashamed. Get lost, I don't want to see your face or hear another word from you. " He said, grabbing my hair

I slammed his hand away and I ran to my room. I won't ever try to explain anything to you, Marco. I hate you so much

I applied a lotion on my damaged butt, crying my heart out. I leaned on my bed on my stomach pulling a blanket up to my chin and I tried to sleep. I want to die to forget my brother's betrayal.

He didn't even listen to me. Suddenly, I remember what happened.

When I was in the toilet, Ned entered with his friends. He locked the door. We started fighting. I tried my best to not let them hit me and everything but someone hit me on my head from behind and I lost it. I started to get my conscience back when I saw them dragging me to the street and putting me on the territory. I couldn't move my body and I was feeling awfully like I'm going high. I looked around and I saw a needle beside me, I'm drugged. Then I saw black.

The motherfucker! I'm so gonna kill him!

To be continued...

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