ch 8: Land line phone

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Marco's pov

Aunt Linda hesitated, glancing around the dining room before finally deciding to address me. Her voice trembled slightly, "Sir, excuse me, can you spare me a few minutes of your time?"

I, intrigued, nodded, "Yes, of course. Take a seat, Aunt Linda."

The elderly woman spoke with a mix of concern and courage, "I've worked here for 55 years, and I've never seen your father lay a finger on you."

I raised an eyebrow, prompting her to continue.

"I don't like how you treat your brother. He's a sweet guy and doesn't deserve what you're doing to him. Try to understand him better; it would be beneficial for both of you."

With a cold detachment, I dismissed her perspective, "That's not a subject we need to discuss."

Aunt Linda pressed on, "Why are you so heartless towards him?"

I just said coldly, "You don't have the right to judge me."

Visibly upset, Aunt Linda declared her resignation, "I'm leaving this job. I can't witness the last wishes of your father and mother being abused. Find another maid."

In an attempt to salvage the situation, I apologized insincerely, "Aunt Linda, I didn't mean what I said. Look, he tried to kill me."

Her response was firm, "But he hasn't tried again. You were both unaware that you were brothers."

"He needed to understand who was in charge."

"And I have to go, sorry sir, I can't watch how you will show him that." She said with tears gathered in her eyes and went to the kitchen.

Go to hell like I need you. 

I went to the living room and found his brother sleeping on the couch. "Wake up, slap-dicks. You're being annoying," I jeered, shaking him awake.

"What did I do? I was just sleeping in peace," he protested.

"The maid resigned because of you. You're taking everyone I care about away from me. You're a jinx," I accused bitterly.

"Thank you," he replied nonchalantly.

Enraged, I grabbed his hair, "Are you mocking me?"

He winced, and I let go, threatening, "I'm going to work. I'll call you to make sure you haven't sneaked out, so pick up the fucking phone on time."

He nodded. I picked up my phone and my keys and got out. I went to the warehouse to finish some crucial work. One of my men managed to catch a guy from the Blackstones so I was here watching the investigation.

Six hours later, I remembered that shit, so I called him, but he didn't answer the phone. I called him again and he didn't answer... I tried over and over but no he didn't bother himself to answer

Ohh shit could he? He sneaked out like I thought.

I ran out of the warehouse and drove home. I was surprised when I saw him in the living room, playing on the XBOX.

"Seriously?" I scolded.

He, fearful, stuttered, "W-What?"

" Shut this damn thing down."

"Okay, calm down," He said, turning it off.

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down," I warned, unbuckling my belt.

Panicking, he pleaded, "Hey, hey, wait! What's wrong?"

"The wrong thing is you," I narrowed my eyes. "I called you many times, and you didn't answer me."

"I'm sorry, I forgot and I didn't get used to his jingle." He stammered.

"You will be used to it now. Bend over the couch by yourself, or I'll call my men again."

"I'm sorry."

His complete hopelessness converted into tears that rain down my face at lightning speed. Unfazed, I ordered him, "Cry baby, pants down too."

"No please."

"I was going to give you just 20 but now it's 30." 

"Okay, okay... Ahh it's too much."

"Come on 40." I rolled my eyes

"30 is good."

"50 Another word and it's 100."

He bent over the couch immediately, and dropped his pants to the ground. I delivered a severe whipping. The ordeal left his brother sobbing on the couch.

I aimed for a swift and forceful approach, each lash cutting through the air with purpose. He couldn't help but sob, his pleas for mercy merging with the sharp cracks of the belt. His apologies came in a torrent, each one tinged with desperation.

I don't have time or heart either to stop or to feel pity for him. I stopped when I reached my target. He colapsed on the couch weeping. 

"I'm going out. Don't you dare pick up the phone again," Marco warned, grabbing his hair To get his attention.

He groaned and put his hand on mine to force me to let go. 

"Answer me!" I tugged on his hair harder.

"Ahh, y-yes sir!" He forced himself to say.

I guess enough pain for today. I pushed him to the couch and left the house.

To be continued...

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