ch 30: Three are enough

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Peter's pov

As I entered the house after my brother picked me up from school, a wave of worry about Miles and uncertainty about how Levio would react settled over me. What if he sent Miles to his parents or something? Nevertheless, I needed to prioritize my well-being. How would I confess to him that I skipped 4 periods?

We sat at the table, and though I intended to tell him, fear held me back. My appetite waned, and I found myself merely playing with the food, a silent struggle against the words I needed to speak.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

Terrified, I hesitated to answer.

"I'm talking to you here! From Earth to Peter," he said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Cole?" I finally said, looking at him.

"Yeah? What's wrong, bro?" he responded.

Bro? This is new!

"I skipped four periods today. I'm sorry; it was an urgent matter," I admitted.

His eyes darkened, and he asked harshly, "And what's this fucking urgency?"

Should I tell him? What if he doesn't believe me? What if he thinks I'm the one doing drugs?

"Peter Ace Carnell," he scolded.

"You won't believe me," I said, attempting to get up.

"Try me," he stated confidently, gently grabbing my hand.

"Miles was taking drugs. I went to stop him," I confessed.

He didn't exhibit much surprise and instead sighed.

"Do you know?" I asked.

"No, but I caught him smoking weed before, and I talked with him about it. But drugs now? He really screwed up this time," Cole responded.

"Are you going to tell Levio?" I inquired.

"Nah, I will take care of it. Did you try drugs with him?" he questioned.

"No, I swear," I quickly replied.

"Fine, I'm calling Dave and Sofie to come over," he decided.

"Okay, should I stay in my room?" I asked.

"Nope, do what you want, of course, after having your dinner," he pointed at my untouched plate.

I smiled sheepishly as I sat back to finish my plate.

"Do you want to change your room furniture?" he asked.

It was an unexpected offer that took me off guard. My eyes widened in surprise for a moment and I asked, "Do I have the right to change it?"

"It's your room. You would like to put your touch on it," he replied.

"Oh yeah, I want to," I beamed with joy.

"You can order whatever you want for your room."

"Thank you very much," I said excitedly.

Why is he so nice to me today? I wondered.

Two hours elapsed, and the lively entrance of Sofia and David brought with them the tempting aroma of pizza. "Hey," I greeted them with a wave.

"Hello, Pete. How are you doing?" inquired David.

"Fine, thanks, Dave."

Sofia extended a box toward me, saying, "This is for you, Pete."

"Oh, thank you." I eagerly opened it, revealing blue light-blocking gaming glasses. Sofia warmly hugged me and planted a kiss on my cheek.

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