ch 60: I abort the baby

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Marco's pov

I opened my eyes at the sun rays coming from the balcony as she opened it. She looked at me glaring. I tried to get up to be surprised with my hand restrained to the bed. I looked at her confused.

" Hey, hold on. Listen up we didn't have sex last night, and I didn't get the advantage of your state and for being in your bed you didn't accept to let me go." I said rapidly, hoping she won't kill me

" I know." She laughed, grabbed the key and let me free

" So why the handcuffs?" I asked, raising my eyebrows

" To make fun of you." She laughed more

" HAHA, so funny," I said frowning

" You didn't see your face." She said, " Thank you for taking me home and taking care of me." She embarrassed added, " I'm sorry if I did or I said anything that bothered you or hurt you."

I got lost in her eyes and said calmly, " No, you didn't bother me or anything. And if I was in your place, I'm sure you would do the same."

" Where is your phone?" She asked

" Ohh God, I lost it." Then it dawned on me," My brother! I should call my brother." I freaked out

" Calm down, he is now at school," She said, " Go get a shower if you want. I will make breakfast."

" Okay."

How do I forget he had school?

I went into the bathroom, I did my things then I went out, wrapping a towel around my waist.

" You left your clothes last time." She said, giving me them

I smiled and mouthed thank you. I dressed up and we sat in the living room having the breakfast she made.

" We kissed again?" She asked annoyed

" Yeah, I tried to stop but I was strongly in need of that, for you, for everything including you. Actually, from the day we met again, I had that hope, that sense of life. I feel alive." I said honestly

" Me too, Marc. I needed you so much, I couldn't fight you. I couldn't kick you away. You always had your way to my heart. That impressed me. I couldn't be in any other relationship from the day we broke up, I tried but you were always there." She confessed

I smiled at the fact that she still loves me.

" I didn't try to be in any relationship after you. I couldn't feel the same way with the other girls, no one of them were interesting to me. You were always here and here." I pointed at my heart and my mind, " I missed you so much. I flew to France from time to time to just see you from a distance, make sure you are fine and going on in your life." I confessed

She stopped eating and looked at me shocked," Honestly, I didn't expect that." She walked to the window," But I wasn't fine not going on in my life."

She looked at the street desperately. I approached her. I said, " You were right it's my fault, I was selfish, controlling and I let you down. I wasn't there for you, I'm so-"

She put her hand on my mouth and said," No, it was our fault, Marc, we both made mistakes, we both dumped each other, we both blamed each other, we both fought with each other instead of understanding each other. I'm sorry."

" It's okay." I said comforting her

" It's not... It's not Marc. I just left you alone with your problem. I was too scared after knowing that secret of the Mafia, I didn't want to look at you that way, you know like a criminal. At that time, I stopped recognizing you."

" No problem, we can fix it, we can start again. I won't leave you again, I need you."

" Nothing we can fix." She said, looking away as a tear streamed down her face.

I know these eyes when they are hiding something. I know these eyes when they are tired of bearing a heavy secret. And I know I won't like this heavy secret that drowned these beautiful eyes in sadness and fear.

" Is it about having sex with other girls? I swear I didn't feel anything for them. I've always wanted them to be you." I asked

" No, it's your life we broke up. I have no right to judge you." She said, understanding

" So what's wrong? You can tell me." I said calmly, grabbing her hand and her face softly to make her look at me as I wiped that tear with my thumb

" Maybe you won't stay a minute when you hear this." She said, smiling sadly

" Try me."

" Don't be so confident." She said

After some seconds of staring at each other

" You remember the day I asked you if you want a baby and you said no?"

" Yeah! I am sorry if that hurt you but I thought we agreed that we were young and still so early."

" No, no, you were right! But after we broke up, I found out that... Hmm... I was pregnant!"

I couldn't speak. I froze, trying to process the news and figure out what's next.

" I was alone, helpless, hopeless, scared, depressed, and so angry. You chose your mafia over me. I aborted that baby. " She said, broking into tears

" What? You did what? You aborted our baby without asking me or even telling me you are pregnant. What if I wanted it?" I scolded

" You won't want it. " She said

" No, I want it. Yes, I said no but If he comes I won't say no, I will take care of him and everything... There is nothing more blessing than having a child calling you dad. I couldn't believe you. Have you forbidden me from being a dad?" I said looking at her firmly

" I'm sorry." She cried, " I didn't know what to do."

" It's your baby. How did you-" I tried to say something but stopped to take a breath." I'm out of here." I wore my jacket and  made my way to the door

" No Marc, please. You can't go like this." She blocked my way

" You let our baby die like this and you left me like this. What did you still want? Take, kill me. " I said, grabbing my gun and giving it to her

" Marc, please." She said crying

" You just let that hope slip."

" I was mad, I couldn't think straight at that time."

" You though that you are taking revenge of me by killing it?" I asked as I was dealing with a lot of affliction

" No! It hurts me too. I can't handle it and now I feel like nothing. Please forgive me, every night, I dream about that baby I'm-" She tried to say when I pushed her softly away from the door and went out.

I am in no state to listen to any more bullshit. I was in great agony. I couldn't believe that she would have the heart to do this to our baby, to damage us.

I took a taxi and went to the house. I sat in my office recalling what happened from the day I met her to this day.

How did we love each other? How we hated each other? How we lost each other? How we broke each other? And how we burned our baby? I don't have any problem with losing the baby but it's just why she didn't tell me? I couldn't put up with all of this.

I grabbed a scotch and I chugged from the bottle. I want to drown until I can forget my name.

To be continued...

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