ch 37: Kiss on the forehead

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Peter's pov

A tense half-hour later, the door to my room creaked open, and Cole stepped in. The air in the room grew heavy with anticipation as I shot him a nervous glance. The ominous question lingered: Would he lash out with anger for my delayed obedience?

"Look, Pete, I know you're restless, but tonight isn't the time for you to be wandering around. Stay home, stay safe, okay?" he advised, leaning off the door frame with a softer expression.

"Where are you going?" I cautiously inquired, not wanting him to misunderstand my curiosity.

"To the other end of town. I'll probably be home late."

"How long?" I questioned, hopeful for a reprieve.

"Peter, tonight's not your usual grounding. It's business, and we're not sure how it'll unfold. It could get messy, and I don't want you caught up in it."

"Lev and Sofia will go too?" I continued.

"Just Levio."

"Miles?" I voiced my sudden concern.

"He's fine. Nothing's happening in those parts of town."

"Then wouldn't I be safer there?" My words tinged with hope.

He didn't respond immediately, motioning for me to come closer. I approached with a hint of fear in my step. He pinched my cheek lightly and ruffled my hair, conveying an unexpected softness in his touch.

"You are not dumb, you know I'll find out," Cole's voice wasn't threatening, which was weird. It carried an unexpected note of care. "But if you so badly want to go to this party, I hope you are prepared for the consequences."

His words echoed in my mind, and the weight of his concern was strangely comforting. As he drove away with Dave and the mysterious man, I seized the opportunity. Sneaking out from my room balcony, I made my way to the back door where Miles and Oliver awaited me in the taxi. Together, we embarked on a journey to the party.

"Yes, that's my boy," Oliver grinned, reveling in the excitement of the night. "Ohh, now the fun till the morning light."

The taxi whisked us away to the awaited festivities, setting the stage for a night that promised laughter, connection, and a temporary escape from the shadows that lingered at home. 

The party was a swirl of colors and rhythms, a kaleidoscope of joy and pulsating beats. The music thumped in sync with our heartbeats, and the crowd moved like a living, breathing entity. As the chorus of 'Chandelier' echoed, we joined the collective anthem, letting the lyrics become our liberation.

The room buzzed with laughter, clinking glasses, and the occasional burst of cheers. I navigated through the crowd, discovering different pockets of the party's energy. Suddenly, Oliver stopped a girl and said, "Hey, did you see Harper? I want to congratulate her on this party. Or no problem, tell her I love her."

His pretend familiarity with her sparked laughter among us, turning the moment into a playful exchange of banter. 

"Hey, Pete, I'm gonna catch up with the guys. You good?"

"Yeah, go ahead," I replied.

Miles, drawn away by the call of basketball camaraderie, left me to explore the party's eclectic scenes on my own. 

I scanned the lively atmosphere of the party until a touch on my shoulder snapped my attention. "Pete," a melodic voice reached my ears.

I turned around, and there she was – Aria, radiating beauty that seemed to transcend the pulsating lights around us.

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