ch 76: Tattoo removal

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Peter's pov

I returned home. I was sitting in the living room with Miles. David got an urgent call so he drove to his work

" I can't stay awake anymore, goodnight," Miles said, " Are you staying?"

" Yeah." I said, trying to hide the pain that I felt in my stomach

He nodded and walked to his room. A few minutes later, Marco entered the house. He took a shower and changed his clothes then he sat next to me

Around 11 pm, something, I was dealing with so much pain. I felt like it's eating its way to my ribs. I ran to the bathroom and lifted my shirt up.

" Shit." I said a little too loud

Cole came running in. " Pete, are-" He started to say before seeing my infected tattoo, " What's the fuck? Is it fake?" He asked

" Afraid it's not." I said

" Are you kidding me?" Cole raised his voice

I turned around to run to the toilet and started throwing up

" Okay, get up, I'm taking you to the ER." Cole said

" Cole, I'm fi-" I started to say but started throwing up again before I can finish

" Yeah, I see you are very fine." He scoffed, crossing his arm with frown on his face

After I finally finished throwing up. I brushed my teeth and gurgled a load of mouthwash before getting in the car with Marco on my way to the hospital.

" Luckily, the infection is small. I'm gonna write him a prescription for antibiotics." The Doctor said

" And his tattoo is it safe for him to have it removed." Cole asked

"What? Cole! Please don't." I shouted

He glared at me, I shut up

"After the infection is completely gone, yes it will be safe." The Doctor said then left the room

" Cole, please don't make me get it removed." I begged.

It looks so Gucci and it's a tattoo that I matched with Aria

" Did you actually think I would let you keep a tattoo on your body?" Marco said glaring

" Ugh." I groaned

The doctor came back with a prescription and handed it to my brother who thanked him. We left the hospital and went home.

" Does Aria get a tattoo?" Marco asked me

" No, I got half a shuttered globe thing just for myself." I said sarcastically

" So yes" He confirmed

" Yeah." I said

" Wow that's so fascinating." he said glaring and I rolled my eyes

" When we get home, get me all your electronic stuff." Marco ordered, surprising me

" Seriously? Okay." I agreed

Happy that it's just losing privilege, I thought he won't let me sit for a month. At least, I got away without getting whipped

" Don't get too happy, and you won't get allowance, until you pay me back for your tattoo removal." He added and I sighed

" What if I don't get it removed?" I questioned smartly

" By the way, Don't you need your parents' permission to get a tattoo?" He asked ignoring my question

" Ya I forged your signature, sorry." I admitted

" Of course you did." Cole said, rolling his eyes.

He got annoyed. When we got home, I gave my brother all my electronics before going to bed.

In the next morning

Today is the first session of my tattoo removal and I'm really nervous about getting the tattoo hurt. Hell, getting it removed is gonna be even worse.

" Peter let's go." cole called me

I walked downstairs. " Are you sure I can't keep it?" I begged one more time

" Yep, I'm so sure as my name." He affirmed firmly

We arrived at the hospital. We are waiting for the doctor that Levio called him for this thing.

" Hello you must be Mr.Carnell and Peter." A Doctor said

" Yes." Cole said

" I'm Dr.Smith I'll be removing Peter's tattoo, am I right?" He asked

" Yes." Cole replied and I sighed

" Please follow me." Dr. Smith said and we followed him into a room

" Hmm stunning, I haven't seen a tattoo like this before. So beautiful." Dr. Smith amazed

" Yeah it's cool." I said excitedly, hopping he convinces my brother to not remove it

" Can you remove it?" Marco asked, not wasting the time

What's wrong with him and my tattoo?

" Well, luckily, it's just black ink which is the easiest to remove with a laser." Dr.Smith said smiling

" Does it hurt?" I asked

" Did it hurt when you got it?" Dr.Smith asked with a warm smile

" Yep." I replied quietly

" Unfortunately it hurts more to get rid of." He replied.

My body tensed up

" How long does it take?" Marco questioned

" About 5, 10 minutes" He answered

" That's fine." I said

" Per each session, I would say you're gonna need about 3 or 4 sessions and about 5 weeks recovery time." Dr. Smith explained

" Are there risks of infection or scarring?" Cole asked

" No scarring and no infection as long as you are following the instructions. " Dr. Smith replied

" Can we get started today?" Cole asked

He can't wait, oh for God's sake what is his problem with my tattoo?

" Yes we can. I just need a consent signature." Dr. Smith said, handing Cole a form and a pen.

" Do I really have to do this?" I asked my brother, touching his hand

" Again, Did you really think I'd let you keep a tattoo?" He questioned

I just rolled my eyes as he signed the paper

" Put on your glasses." Dr. Smith said and handed both of us a set of glasses

Hearing the laser started to flicker, I clenched my fist.

" Oww." I screamed as the laser came in contact with my skin.

This hurts 10 times worse than getting a tattoo.

About 10 minutes later; He stopped the laser

" Okay, you are done for today," Dr.Smith told me

I put my shirt back on, holding my cry. I wiped the tears that escaped my eyes with my sleeve.

" Here is a packet with care information. I recommend not sleeping on your side and not trying to keep as much pressure off of it as you can." Dr.Smith said

" Thank you." I said, then we walked out of the office and into the car.

" You wanna get lunch?" He asked me

" I just got a laser to my ribs, I don't want anything." I said

Cole looked at me with a sympathy look. " Well, if you didn't get a tattoo you would be eating lunch right now, not dealing with some pain from that laser."

I puffed, rolling my eyes. He ignored me and took me to the restaurant. We got our lunch then we went to a pharmacy to get a specific cleanser.

To be continued...

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