ch 90: Maybe grandpa's?

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Peter's pov

I woke up when I recalled that tomorrow I'm going back to school. I ran to my desk. Ohh, I didn't do my homework.

I called Miles who was with his team on a trip, " Hey, Miles."

" Hey, happy that Marco is fine, I told you that he will come back as nothing happened."

" Yeah, I called you to ask, did you do your homework?"

" Yeah, on my desk in my room." He said

" I will copy them."

" Fine, try to change some of it and make some mistakes so we don't get caught."

" Okay."

I felt bored so I just copied it. I will change things later.

" Peter!?" My brother came into the room

" Ohh, I miss fighting with you about knocking on the door." I said looking at him.

He smiled, " Do you feel better?"

" Yeah, you are here, I'm very good." I said, standing up from the desk

" Let's have breakfast." He said, putting his hand on my back.

" Yeah, sure."

We ate breakfast with the others then I went to the garden. I practiced some sport with Luke and played with the dogs. I remember that Aria came yesterday. I want so much to go and see her but I shouldn't ask him anything after what I did.

Well, I still want advice from a friend.

" Aria came yesterday." I told Luke

" Do you want to see her?"

" Yes, but I can't ask Cole. I feel embarrassed after the trouble I caused."

" What happened in the past is in the past. I'm sure Marco didn't want to go over it again even by talking about it. Go and ask him, you are his brother, he won't misunderstand you. But I think it's not the time to ask him about anything, you should give yourself and him some space to think straight."

" Yeah, you are right. Thank you, Luke, do you have siblings?"

" No, my step-parents didn't adopt another child. I have my real brother, we got separated when I got adopted, and I don't know anything about him. My parents searched for him but nothing found."

" Sorry to hear that."

" Don't be," Luke said

I punched his arm lightly, " I'm sure you would be a good brother."

" Thanks." He said, ruffling my hair

I headed  to Marco's office. I want to ask him to walk the dog but I stopped in front of his door. It was half-open, Marco was talking with David.

" It's my fault from the beginning, I shouldn't accept him in the house that day. He was bad news."

I know eavesdropping is not good but I have an ear that itches to know more because I want to know things this person won't knowingly tell me.

Second, I should be aware that if I get caught in this state, I will be in real hot water.

" It's fine, Marco. You didn't know that he would do all of this like breaking into my house, threatening Levio, and kidnapping your brother. And you succeeded in saving and protecting all of us."

" Ohh, I didn't take care of Peter, and It's not safe for him to stay with me." And with these words my heart dropped and my eyes widened

" Marco, I don't want to interfere but Peter won't accept that he can starve himself, do bad things to himself, you know."

" He is doing that even in my sight. Don't worry about that."

" Where are you deciding to send him?"

"I haven't decided yet. Maybe to grandpa."

" Your grandfather? Really?"

He wants to get rid of me and my troubles?

Suddenly, the door got opened completely, I froze in my place, feeling very hot and my cheeks turned red.

" Have you been eavesdropping on us?" Marco asked sternly

" Uhm, sorry." I said nervously, looking at his chest

" Go to your room, I'm coming." He commanded

I sighed and rushed to my room. I sat on my bed waiting for my doom. He came in and closed the door behind him then leaned against it, I just kept looking at the ground

" Look at me, Peter." He ordered and I obeyed. " You know what you did is so rude, old enough to know better." He scolded

" I know, I'm sorry," I said with guilt in my voice

" You will be so sorry. I want you to clean the dishes for 2 weeks." He said

" Ugh, fine." I said after seeing his glare, " Pardon, I don't want to go to live with grandpa, I want to stay with you here, please." I tried to say politely, shutting my anger and sadness

" This is up to me to decide." He just said

" It's not fair."

" Nah, life isn't fair, it's a perfect solution."

" Perfect my ass." I snapped huffed

" End discussion." He snapped getting out

I slammed the door behind him. I took my pillow and I threw it across the room. He wants to get rid of me.

To be continued...

What do you think will happen?
Will Marco really drop his brother with his grandfather?
How Peter will react to it? 

Stay safe 😍
Love you ❤

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