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"Come on Y/N we're gonna be late!"

"I'm almost ready Lexi relax!" I said.

"Bitch it's your last day with us, so you better hurry!"

I worked for S.H.I.E.L.D for a few years until S.W.O.R.D. was founded. Before S.H.I.E.L.D broke down, Natasha told Steve Rogers about my file. After that, they told me I will be joining him with the Avengers. I find it kind of weird the fact that they chose ME. I have no magic, no super strength, or anything out of this world. I just have my training like any other S.H.I.E.L.D. or S.W.O.R.D. agent.

Lexi has been my friend since I was recruited for the whole agent fiasco. She's always been there for me as I was for her. And she seemed to be way more excited about me joining the Avengers than myself.

"So who are you most excited to meet?" She said as she entered the passenger seat of my car.

"I don't know... I only know Nat, Clint, Tony Stark, and Steve." I said.

"...Steve" she says smirking while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Don't start with that shit Lexi!"

"Y/N it's kind of obvious that you're attracted to him, I mean you've met him before and you couldn't stop talking about him."

"Well yeah... how would you react meeting the Captain America?!" I said.

"Besides, I will keep everything professional with everyone, because I don't want to ruin my reputation or look bad in front of earth's mightiest heroes." I added with a chuckle.

"Like coworkers?" She said.

"Yes... like coworkers"

I made a last turn as we arrived work. We got out of the car and headed towards the entrance. As I entered the building with Lexi, I noticed several agents eyeing me up and down and whispering. Lexi suddenly turned to me.

"Seems like the word got around."

"No shit" I said.

The more I walked towards the halls, the more people kept staring. I couldn't care less. Overall I've been focused on my work all these years so anything these people said didn't affect me. In fact I was never wrong when completing a task, that's probably why they chose me in the first place.

"Well if it isn't Sharon 2.0" a masculine voice said behind me.

"Good to see you too Mathew" I said stopping without turning to see him.

Mathew has been working by my side as well as Lexi. He tends to make fun of me by saying I'm as stuck up as Sharon Carter. I worked with Sharon in the past, and she seems more put together than me. She took her work 10 times more seriously than I did. I guess she wanted to keep the Carter legacy going. We got along as well, but I haven't seen her since the bombing of the United Nations.

"Are you excited to be living and working with the Avengers?!" Mathew said as he began walking with us.

"Ugh, don't say Avengers, it makes it sound corny" I cringed.

"Fine, but guess what I did!"

"What did you do this time Mat?" I said.

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