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"Sam!" I said walking into his room.

"Dude can't you knock?!" He said.

The audacity.

"You didn't a few minutes ago!" I said crossing my arms.

"You know what, if I could remove what I just saw from my brain with bleach, I would"

"Please just don't say anything" I said.

"Ugh fine." He said.

"Don't think about it either"

"What? It's difficult enough not talking about it"



"Where gonna eat with everyone, don't think about it, Wanda could read your mind"

"Fine" he said standing up. "I'm assuming y'all didn't want me to go this morning with you guys"


"Why would you think that?" I asked shaking my head.

He started laughing. I looked at him in confusion furrowing my brows.

"What's so funny?"

"Remember when he tried to kill you?" He said smirking. "Now he wants to-"

"Stop! I get it" I said.

We walked out of the room and went towards the elevator. I pushed the button to the kitchen floor.

"Who else knows?"

"Just you"

"Since when has this been going on?"

"Since today" I said.

"So y'all got caught on the first day?" He said holding his laugh.

"Shut up, it was your fault" I said as I got out of the elevator.

We were walking in the hallway towards the kitchen.

"But who would've thought that you and, out of every single person living here, you'd end up with Bu-"

I hit him in the stomach with my elbow. He let out an oof, and grabbed his stomach. "Ow" he said. I glanced at him entering the kitchen where everyone was.

"You're talking too loud Sam" I whispered.

We walked in and I noticed Tony getting his food.

"Hey Tony" I said smiling.

"Hey kid" he said holding his plate. "How was Mexico"

"Could've been better" I said.

"I figured" he said pointing at my face. "By the way, we need to check that thing soon" he added pointing at my arm.

He sat down and I grabbed my plate. Eventually, everyone came in and sat on the table. Sam sat in front of me and Bucky sat in the corner away from us. I was picking at the food in my plate hoping they weren't gonna ask questions.

"So y/n what happened to you?" Tony asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You're face. You look terrible"

"Gee thanks" I said playing with the fork in my hand.

"So are you gonna tell us?" Nat asked.

I don't want to.

I glanced at Bucky and he just kept his head down. Really?

"I got in a fight with a family member" I said.

Unapproachable - (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now