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We finally reached the truck and Barnes opened door of the passenger's side and carried me so I can sit. I hissed at the pain in my torso. I put my hand on my abdomen. It hurts so bad.

He finally got in the car as well and started it up. He glanced at me and hesitated.

"Put the hoodie on, so they can't see you" he said offering his hoodie.

I reached for my leather jacket. I didn't put it on yet because everything hurts. I put my hair in a low bun and put my cap on. I ignored him, and reached for the glove compartment. Luckily there was a first aid kit.

"Stop, I'll help you, just wait a few minutes" he said again as he drove out of the city.

I still ignored him opening the kit and finding the rubbing alcohol. I took off my cap and reached the sun visor that had a mirror, opening it.

Holy shit. I didn't think it was that bad. Where the fuck do I start? Is my nose broken?! It better not be broken. I look fucking horrible.

I sighed and I reached to grab the alcohol and some cotton pads to remove the blood from my face. As I grabbed the bottle to put alcohol on the pad, my hands started shaking. Stop shaking! They were shaking even more making me drop the pad.

"Fuck" I said under my breath.

"Stop I'll help you when we leave the city"

"I think you helped enough" I said.

Reaching for another pad, Barnes' phone started ringing. He picked it up and glanced at me.

"Not now Sam" he said. "No she can't talk right now"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed his phone from his hand.

"I'm fine Sam, don't call unless it's an emergency" I said hanging up seconds later. I gave him his phone back and went back to fixing my face.

I finally had a good grip on the cotton pad and began taking off the blood. Some of it was gone, but I noticed bruises starting to form.

"Shit" I whispered taking off the blood from my nose.

I grabbed a towel Jorge had in the compartment and spit out some blood into it. Luckily he had plastic bags, and I began to throw the trash away, and I spit more blood eventually.

Barnes stopped the truck on the side of the road. He turned his body to face me, but I kept my eyes on the mirror, still fixing and removing the blood.

He reached his right arm and grabbed my wrist.

"Don't fucking touch me" I said.

"I said I was gonna help you leaving the city, so give in"

"I don't need your help" I said pulling away from him.

"I didn't ask" he said grabbing the cotton pads and the alcohol. He was approaching the pad towards my face but I refused.

"Stop" he said.

"No, you stop" I said moving my head so he wouldn't reach.

"You're acting like a child. Stop" he said.

"No. I can fix it myself"

"Stop moving"

"You Stop!" I said as I slapped him on his face.

My eyes widened and he had a shocked expression. He was holding his cheek in disbelief with the following of awkward silence. Shit I didn't mean to hit him that hard.

Unapproachable - (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now