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"Ok so there will be several Hydra agents in the establishment tonight, some of them will have intel of where other bases may be stationed. They gathered to this specific club because it doesn't draw much attention." Rogers said.

"But how are we going to gather the information?" I asked sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Through a series of USBs. Hydra will be carrying around three of them within their people."

Barnes sat in back of be with his back on the headboard of the bed. Rogers went towards his bag and reached what seemed like a piece of jewelry.

"Y/N you're gonna join those agents in a room they have inside. They're supposed to gather and switch information about the bases and their locations. Any chance you get, pour this in the drinks, they'll pass out making it easier for you to grab what we need." He said.

"I pour rings on the drinks?" I said furrowing my brows in confusion. Hehe rings on the drinks... that rhymes.

Rogers was holding three rings on his hand. They were really nice, I've seen these types of rings before. I observed them carefully until I realized they were poison rings. They had a complex design on them, one of them including a diamond in the middle. I usually don't wear silver jewelry but these might be the exception.

"No. Banner elaborated a series of toxins that are strong enough to make someone pass out with not even a pinch. Those toxins are in the rings. You can easily open them, allowing you to pour them in drinks without being suspicious." He said, getting closer to where I was sitting.

He offered his hand to put the rings on mine. As I was about to give him my hand, I felt Barnes kick me causing me to fall to the floor.

I groaned. What the fuck is his problem?!

I ended up on the floor face down. This is so embarrassing. Please just kill me! Rogers offered his hand but I didn't take it, standing up on my own.

"God, Y/N! Are you ok?" He asked concerned. "Bucky why'd you do that for?"

"A spider was crawling on her back" he said with a blank expression.

Are you fucking kidding me?! All of that because of a spider?! Fucking liar?! Spider my ass! Ok, Y/N calm down. I'm done, just stay calm.

I turned around to look at him. I stared at him for a moment, and then I looked at Steve.

"Just give me the rings, I'm gonna start getting ready" I said offering my hand.

He gave them to me. I grabbed them, then I walked towards my bag on the floor next to the couch. I grabbed my bag and headed towards the bathroom. As I was about to close the door I heard Rogers say something to Barnes.

"Bucky what the hell is your deal, she hasn't done anything" he whispered shouted.

I closed the door and just leaned on it for a moment. I tried to take a deep breath, but instead it came out more of a shaky breath. I started shaking, so I closed my eyes to calm down a bit.

Bitch get it together. I hate him so much. All of this because he saw me in that bar. Don't cry, you better not cry it never fixes anything. And if you do, they'll hear you, and that's even more embarrassing. Remember what Lexi told you. Don't let them get to you.

My breathing quickened, and I can't stop overthinking. I put my hands in my head trying to stop. I paced back and forth so I can calm down, but before I know it, tears started run down my cheeks. I let out a slight sob, still trying to calm down, until I heard a knock on the door.

Unapproachable - (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now