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I approached the gym in the facility and noticed most of the Avengers were there. I noticed Sam Sparring with Nat. And Steve was talking to this other redhead. Huh?

I entered the gym and went on the treadmill to warm up for whatever Nat makes me do. I ran for 5 minutes until the redhead that was talking to Steve approached me.

"Hi" she said with a smile.

I stopped and got of the treadmill to respond.

"Hi I'm Y/N"

"And I'm Wanda, I'm assuming you're the new girl?"

"Yeah, I just got here today" I said.

"Cool, so what do you do?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Like what abilities do you have?"

"I just have training that's it" I said awkwardly.

I heard someone laugh in the background. I turned around, and see Barnes looking at us smiling like a dumbass grabbing a water bottle.

"Something funny?" I asked.

"Hmm?" He said.

"I said... is something funny"

"Well yeah"

"What is it?" I asked.

"The fact that they invited you here with nothing to offer"

What is his deal? Is he messing with me or something? Don't let it get to you. Just give the energy back and he'll be thrown off.

"What do you mean?" I said.

"You have no abilities, so what exactly do you have to offer" he said as he got closer.

"I mean Rogers picked me for a reason, why don't you ask him" I said as I approached him.

Wanda glanced at Nat and gave her a signal to barge in to whatever is happening.

"I am not gonna ask anything, I want you to answer" he said as he got closer.

Ok this is getting annoying. Can't he just leave or something. What the fuck do I say now?!

Steve approached us and split us apart and turned towards me.

"What's going on?" He asked me.

"Nothing Steve, I was just getting to know Y/L/N" Barnes said.

"Were you? Because last time I checked you were mocking me." I said.

"Wait what?" Barnes said acting dumb.

"Ok no you're not gonna pull up with that shit" I said as I slightly pushed him. But he pushed me back, making me fall backwards. Ok, ow. How the fuck did I fall?!

I stood up ready to beat the shit out of him until Steve pulled me away from him.

"What the fuck Steve!" I said.

"Language" he said.

Wait did he just say language? Pfttt.

"Y/N calm down"

"No Steve he's lying, now move so I can kick his ass" I said.

"He didn't mean whatever he said to you"he said.

"Y/N if you want to kick his ass, why don't you spar with him" Sam said smiling.

"Ok fine" I said.

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