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"Y/n" Bucky whispered.

"Hmmm" I groaned.

"Wake up"

"I'm up" I whispered.

"Doll it's late" he said. "Don't you need to go today, to the prison"

"I don't care, you're a teddy bear" I said hugging him.

"Y/n but what about-"

"Shhhh" I said putting a finger on his lips.

He moved my hand away from his lips so I put my whole hand on his face.

"Shhhh" I said.

He started scratching my back and I tightened my grip.

"That feels nice" I whispered.

"I know, but you have to get up"

I sat up and rubbed my eyes to regain my sight. I looked down at Bucky and smiled.

"Morning" I said.

"More like noon"

"Wait what?" I said looking at the time. "Holy shit why'd I sleep so much?"

I stood up and walked fast towards the door. I opened it and looked at Bucky.

"Wait are you coming with me?" I asked.

"Yeah, I told you yesterday"

"Ok cool, get ready" I said leaving.

I took a quick shower and got ready. I grabbed my bag and went straight to the door.

Shit my phone.

I walked towards my nightstand and grabbed my phone. I put it in my bag, then noticed the necklace.

Put it on. Wait no don't do it. Just for today...

I hesitated, then put it on, and left my room. I knocked on Bucky's door, but he didn't answer.

"He's in the kitchen" Sam said.


"Haven't talked to you in a week"

"Yeah I know... I'm sorry" I said.

"It's cool. Are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah, I'm going to prison"

He looked at me in confusion and scratched his head.


"The target we caught claims he's my father, so I'm gonna go talk to him" I said looking up.

"Good luck" he said entering his room.

I walked into the elevator and pushed the button to go to the kitchen. I walked through the hallway and heard Bucky's voice and someone else's.

I went into the kitchen and he was talking with Steve. He turned around and looked at me furrowing his eyebrows.

He told him.

He approached me and crossed his arms. I gulped as I looked up at him.

"Changed your mind?" He said.



"The necklace" he said.

"Right" I nodded. "Yeah I figured I should use it"

He smiled at me and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"So are you ready?"

"Yeah" I said glancing at Steve, then back at him.

Unapproachable - (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now