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I spend the rest of the day finishing up and packing what I needed. I grabbed my bag and the backpack with my suit inside, and headed outside, noticing it was already dark.

There was a black SUV parked outside. I approached Steve, who was leaning on the car waiting for us. Barnes was the last one to arrive. I got in the back seat of the car, which meant Steve was driving and Bucky was sitting next to him. As I was settling, someone threw a bag at me hitting me in the face.

"Real mature Barnes" I said. He just gave me a death glare and turned towards the front.

"Can you guys just get along for this?" Steve said.

"No" Barnes and I said at the same time.

It was around and hour in the road, and I got curious. Wait, are we staying overnight or more than that? Shit I don't have much clothes. I have clothes for like 3 days.

As we got close to a building, Steve parked near it. It looked like a hotel. They got their bags and so did I to make it seem like I know what's going on.

"Wait we're staying here for more than a night" I asked.

"Yeah, didn't I tell you?" Steve said.

"Um you didn't specify"

"Relax it's fine" Barnes said holding in a laugh.


As we entered the lobby we approached the receptionist. She smiled at us. She seems nice. Bruh Y/N you're so dumb she's just doing her job.

"Hi we had a reservation" Steve said. She asked several questions about the confirmation number, and a bunch of bullshit. She asked for names and Steve told her a fake one... Chris. Pfttt. Then the lady noticed Barnes and I and she gave a a devilish smirk.

I furrowed my brows in confusion. She did a signal pointing at Steve and Barnes with her eyes, and smirked at me again. Is she fucking with me or something?

Ohh shit... Noooooo. Nah uhh, nope that is not what's going on here! Should I say something? I feel like I should stop what she's implying.

"We're not..." I said while shaking my head and pointing at the two super soldiers next to me. Why did I say that?! You should've just stayed quiet Y/N!

Steve turned to me confused and Barnes snorted out a laugh. I elbowed him in order to make him shut up.

"Oof" Barnes said.

As the receptionist gave us the key card, I picked up my bag while carrying my backpack as well. Steve and Barnes did the same and we headed to the elevator. Barnes pushed the button to the indicated floor.

"What was that all about?" Steve asked.

"It was nothing Rogers" I said looking up at the ceiling.

Barnes got close to Steve and whispered something in his ear which I'm assuming it's about the whole lobby situation. Steve looked at me shocked, but then turned forward blushing. Wait why the fuck is he blushing?! I turned to Barnes and he's looking at the floor hiding his smirk. As the elevator door opens I scoff.

"Both of y'all are gross" I said walking towards the room number we got. They stayed quiet.

As we opened the door, the room seemed pretty standard. It had a couch, a TV, a desk, a bathroom, and one bed?! Really?!

Both Steve and Barnes got settled and put their bags on top of the desk.

"Ok so the mission doesn't start until tomorrow night, so let's all get some rest." Steve said.

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