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We finished off the redwing and the rest after 8 hours. We went back to my place and got some Chinese food along the way.

I grabbed the keys to my apartment and he opened his door.

"I'm gonna go change and I'll be back" he said.

"Ok" I said walking into my apartment.

I looked around and noticed all the mess. I placed the bags on the counter. I put on some gloves and started mopping the floor.

He opened the door and I turned around. He put on a long sleeve and some sweats. He turned to see the gun on the counter, and walked towards it, grabbing it.

"No" I said grabbing it as well.

"It's not safe" he said.

"You said I could keep it if I called you by your first name"

"I know" he said. "But I don't-"

"I was an agent, I carried a gun on a daily basis"

"Was. Big difference"

"No, it's only been a few months"

He rolled his eyes and let go.

"Thank you" I said. "Now help me clean"

"It's your mess" he said.

"Didn't you say you would help me?"

"I did-"

"Then do it" I said giving him some gloves.

He put on the gloves and started cleaning as well.

"So pushy and for what?" He said.

"So sassy and for what?" I said.

Eventually we finished up cleaning everything. I looked at him and I noticed he had blood on his face.

"Follow me" I said walking towards the bathroom.

We entered the bathroom and I took out a rag from the cabinet under the sink.

"Sit down" I said.

"But why-"

"Sit. Down." I said gritting my teeth.

He sat down, and I soaked the rag on the sink. I walked towards him, and started cleaning his face.

"You have dry blood on your face" I said.


I swiped the rag onto his cheeks noticing he kept glancing at my chest. I noticed and grabbed his face lifting his head up.

"Eyes up here" I said.

"No I wasn't- I wasn't looking at- I was looking at-"

"Why are you stuttering?" I said smirking.

He rolled his eyes playfully avoiding my gaze.

Unapproachable - (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now