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Barnes POV:

It was Saturday and Sam invited me to help fix the wings John Walker destroyed. We were in a garage and I sat down listening to Torres talk about something stupid.

I can't stand him...

I kept massaging my temples and Sam walked in.

"Ok so she's not here yet, but let's just start." He said.


30 minutes passed and we kept working. I was about to tell Sam something until someone walked in with a rush.

"I'm sorry I'm late. But I'm here"

I looked up and it was Y/n panting.

"Y/n?" Torres said standing up.

"J! Hi" she said walking towards him.


She hugged him tightly and he picked her up.

What the hell?!

I turned to look at Sam and he was looking down covering his mouth. He glanced at me then at them.

He knew. How does she know him?

"I missed you" Torres said.

I MiSsEd yOu...

"Me too, it's been so long" she said.

He let go of her and grabbed her arms.

"You got stronger" he said.

"Been working out" she said. "You got taller"

Please... she's still taller.

They kept talking and I cleared my throat making them both turn.

"Ohh you're here" she said disappointed.

Sam didn't tell her I was coming?

"So we came here to work right?" Sam said.

"Right" Torres said. "We'll work on redwing"

He grabbed her hand and pulled her to a table on the other side of the garage.

Don't grab her hand.

I kept looking at them and Sam slapped my chest. I turned around and he was holding in a laugh.

"She knows him?" I asked.

"Yeah she told me" he said.

"Why didn't you tell me she was coming?"

"You never asked?"

I glanced at them and they were laughing.

I can't stand him.

"Relax, they're friends. I told her I gave him the wings and she wanted to see him"

She wanted to see him?

They started working on redwing and I was fixing the left wing. I glanced at them once in a while and they kept talking.

What are they saying?

"You can talk to her you know" Sam said.

"I talked to her this morning" I said. "She's my neighbor"

"Ohh shit. Really?"

"Yeah" I sighed. "What do I tell her?"

"Just talk to her. Don't apologize or bring up the topic"

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