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"Ok, this hydra facility is underwater. The quinjet will take us and the best plan is to basically sink it." Steve said.

"Sink it?"

"There is a control room that opens different doors allowing the water from the ocean to get in the facility. We open those doors, destroying the whole building" Tony added.

We were at the quinjet and I was standing next to Nat and Sam. Steve gave us all earpieces, and we were about to land.

"Ok we'll separate. Tony stay with Wanda protecting the jet, Bruce and Sam go to the control room, me and Nat will look for any missing information that may have been stolen, and Bucky and Y/N will go inside the facility to fight agents off." Steve said.

Barnes raised his hand. "Can I get a new partner, mine sucks"

"I also want another partner, what a coincidence" I said raising my eyebrow at him.

"Alright enough, let's just go" Sam said.

"Damn just kiss already" Nat told us smirking.

Ok ew.

"Ugh" Barnes said.

Shut the fuck up man, you tried to kiss me before!

We headed out. The only part of the building that wasn't underwater was the top, allowing aircrafts to land. Barnes and I took the elevator to go to go to the lowest floor.

I only had one long sleeve in my suit because Barnes cut the other on my first assignment. It kept bothering me for the last 2 months and Tony said he won't make me a new one. I started ripping the other sleeve so the suit would be even.

"What are you doing?"

"Removing the sleeve, it's bothering me because only one side is covered, so I might as well remove it."

"Ohh sorry about that" he said.

"It's fine, the no sleeves are kind of growing on me" I said smirking.

He curved the side of his lip a little.

"So what did you tell Steve two days ago?" He asked.

"Nothing important" I said way too quickly. Shit. Bitch don't make it seem suspicious.

The elevator door opened and we saw several guards. We fought them off on the first floor and began going up to the other. When we reached the eighth floor, we started struggling.

And agent approached me with a backpack. He moved his wrist, releasing three knives from his knuckles.

Ok wanna be Wolverine. How creative.

He started fighting me, and I tried to avoid getting cut by his hands. Barnes was fighting another guard. He threw a punch but I tried to block it with my left  arm, causing him to stab me.


He pulled away from me, leaving me with three deep cuts. A large amount of blood started to come out. I was going to throw another punch, but Barnes grabbed him throwing him to the nearest wall.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Yeah it just-" before I can finish the sentence the fire sprinkler system was activated.

"Shit, Sam, where still on the eight floor!" I said pressing on my earpiece.

"Sam! Sam can you hear me?!" Bucky said.

We were completely soaked at this point. "Barnes let's just go to another floor. There's 10, if we hurry, we'll make it."

Before continuing, I heard something in the background. As I turned, there was a body of water coming towards us.

Unapproachable - (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now