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I woke up and got ready to work. After everything happened, I stopped being an agent and decided to stick with a regular life. I put on my work clothes, with a long sleeve under, and went to the kitchen to make myself some coffee.

I was about to make it, but someone knocked on the door.

"What" I said with the door slightly opened.

"Good morning" Barnes said.

I knew he was gonna do this...

"Morning" I said. "What do you need?"

"I made breakfast and I wanted to ask you if you wanted some"

"No" I said trying to close the door. "And I know you're lying because you can't cook for shit"

I swear, homeboy can't cook a simple egg.

As I tried to close the door, he put his foot stopping me.

"Why?" He said.

"Because I can't"

"Give me one good reason"

"I have to go to work" I said. "And I don't want to talk to you"

"I thought you said you forgave me"

"I did, but I just don't want to see you. It's already enough that you're my neighbor." I said looking down. "I'm really trying to regain my life, and I don't need a distraction right now"

"By working as a barista?"

"How did-"

"I can see your name tag and the color of your shirt is the same as the workers from the place I usually go to"

"I swear it's like the universe has something against me" I said looking up at the ceiling.

"I made coffee" he said.

It's just coffee, then leave.

"Fine" I said.

He opened his door and I walked into his apartment. It didn't have decorations, it was simple and clean. I stood there looking around and he grabbed my shoulders from behind.

"Kitchen is this way" he said.

I can see it... it's literally in front of us.

I walked towards the kitchen sitting on a chair.

"So you're a barista. Why not work for S.W.O.R.D?" He asked.

Just talk... he made coffee...

"Mathew said everything went downhill after Thanos" I said. "They took Vision. And they said they had a problem in a town called Westview, but he didn't go into detail"

"Have you talked to anyone?"

"No, I don't want to bother anyone because they're all in the same situation"

"Cream and sugar?" He asked.

"Mhm" I said. "You look different"


"Your hair"

"Is it a good different?"

"I feel like I would cut it" he said. "Like really short"

"I like your hair like this. It looks nice"

"I know" he said smirking.

"Really?" I said raising an eyebrow.

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