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We arrived to the warehouse. The rain has not stopped. But luckily, the water hitting my face woke me up.

"There's no heat signatures" Sam said looking at his wrist.

"So what do we do?" Bucky said brushing his wet hair back.

"Wait?" I shrugged.

"There's two doors on opposite sides of the building" Sam said. "I'll go inside through the main door, and you two enter through those doors"

I adjusted the earpiece then walked away from them. I reached the door Sam told me to go into, then I spoke up.

"Are you guys in?" I asked.

"Yes" Sam said.

"Yeah" Bucky said.

I went into the warehouse and looked around. There was an alley which I'm assuming it's the same from the opposite side.

I walked around, there were several abandoned office spaces then Sam spoke up.

"You two found anything?" Sam said.

"No" Bucky and I said.

I heard a few rocks fall behind me. I turned around and I didn't see anything. I started walking forward again, but the same sound happened again. This time the small rocks landed on my head.

I looked up at the ceiling, then I noticed some cracks. A few small rocks fell again then I spoke up.

"Guys I think-"

"It's a trap" Sam said.

"Wait what? What do you-"

Before I could finish that sentence, part of the ceiling started falling apart over us.

"Shit" I said looking up.

One piece of concrete was going to fall over me but I moved back. Eventually, the whole building started falling apart, and I tried avoiding getting hit.

As I ran towards the exit, a piece of concrete hit my head, causing me to stop. I grabbed my head, then everything fell over me.

As the building finally fell apart, everything eventually stopped. I looked around as I was now covered in rubble. I laid on my stomach coughing the dirt that entered my lungs.

"Y/n" Sam said through the earpiece. "Buck"

I rolled my body, so I could lay on my back. I leaned on my elbows looking around, noticing most of the building was in pieces.


I pressed on the earpiece and slowly sat up.

"I'm here" I said couching.

"Are you injured?"

"I uhh..."

My body was aching, but I still tried to stand up. I sat up and dusted off some of the rubble in my suit. I checked my limbs to see if anything was broken, but luckily nothing too severe. Only cuts, and blood was visible.

I touched my face, but as I touched the right side of my forehead, there was blood.

"Kind of?" I said through the earpiece. "Buck are you there?"

"Yeah" he groaned. "But kind of in the middle of something"

"What do you mean?" I said.

"No I mean literally" he said. "I can't see anything, there's concrete and rubble all over me"

"Where are you?" Sam said.

"I don't know" he said.

"I'm gonna go look for y-"

Unapproachable - (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now